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Lie to Heaven

Lie to Heaven 歌词

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所属专辑:Where Luna Awakened
歌曲:Lie to Heaven mp3
Lie to Heaven Skyline歌词
Lie to Heaven
It's time to show the sequel
I don't care how you feel
Just for me
It is a delight
A kind of sunshine
Warm the history
Gave the world twilight
Centurial dream
Centurial fake
May you return to the masquerade
I seek for a fate
With my preys
Pretend to be a brave
Addicted to admiring but envy gaze
Beg your sight
Keep on mind
With my only pity pleading eyes
Forgive sins
Lust made me blind
How can i admit the crime

Solitude comes nowhere in the end
Devotees are now all trapped

It could be a monumental snare
Even you're such pretty gentle man
Trophy no longer shines with five slaves' smiles
Afterwards the 13th apprentice is claimed
All those lies are left behind the stage
No more can beauty of the heaven be your defense

Centurial dream
Centurial fake
May you return to the masquerade
I seek for a fate
With my preys
Pretend to be a brave
Please forgive my sins
Tomorrow, we'll have another reason to shine
But not for the blind, just for the kind

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