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Once the Miracle

Once the Miracle 歌词

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所属专辑:Where Luna Awakened
歌曲:Once the Miracle mp3
Once the Miracle Skyline歌词
Once the Miracle
If you can get the bay a way to pray
The time can be a joke a fake to state
No one replies to the horn
How much bright flesh bleeds in roar?
Mislead the trenches into a dell with a crowd of wrath
Got a dream and got the pride in sun
The poppies are proud to sing
It's time to time
The crown is beckoning to him in smile
And had been proved to sink eternally
It's fate or something else
No matter once the miracle
Now it's proved to be a fake a joke!
Mislead the trenches into a dell with a crowd of wrath
Got a dream and got the pride in sun
The poppies are proud to sing
It's time to time
The crown is beckoning to him in smile
And had been proved to sink eternally
It's fate or something else

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