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Moon Bear

Moon Bear 歌词

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所属专辑:Where Luna Awakened
歌曲:Moon Bear mp3
Moon Bear Skyline歌词
Moon Bear
I can't get through the fragrance of the memories
Only the burning breathes around me with my death symphony
Bleeding never stop
Steel vest never being removed
Let my sorrow free!

The patron saints never answer my pray
When the bright moon becomes a stain
Just a smile will stay always

Split my chest and split my soul , darling
I will wake up but the shade can never be dissolved
It's the destiny lies in dismal , dark hell
But the flowing of the time can never stop
Bleeding never stop
Steel vest never being removed
Let my sorrow free!

The patron saints never answer my pray
When the bright moon becomes a stain
Just a smile will stay always

His evil smile full of my eyes and mind
It haunts in my endless nightmares every night.

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