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Lead My Way

Lead My Way

Lead My Way 歌词

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歌手:Jackson Turner
所属专辑:Long Time Coming
歌曲:Lead My Way mp3
Lead My Way Jackson Turner歌词
Lead My Way:
作词 Jackson Turner, Dan-E, Rahwx
作曲 DJ Shaba
编曲 DJ Shaba, Dan-E
制作 DJ Shaba, Dam-E
混音 Michael Seifert
They used to shout out Hey! Guevara!
Some show stopper, precision by laid before the coppers
Come with the choppers
Toward Galapagos
In search of those that leak the unknown
Sugarcoat all unnecessary
Inevitable, truth be scary
So feed it to me straight
When they confiscate rights to contemplate
Visionaries and revolutionaries
That see the end of the tunnel for the greater being
Nobody is killing I
Politician on the side line
I swear I’m gonna live a life, yeah
I give the prayers to the most high, ehh
I say Jah, lead my way
I know one day, it will be ok
No pain, someone got to lead the change
Hypnotized by a subconscious lecture
Angered rebel with a cause conceiving his own structure
The molecular becomes more apparent
Once released through manipulative media
Jah! Lead my way!
Say Jah! Lead my way!
I see beyond the facade, won’t rest till we get peace
And set free from these broken penniless streets
Referees deferential sleeping with the police
Until we see a full stop, roll up both sleeves
I’m coming swinging with a hundred fingers
Funny thing is I’m like Sunny Liston mixed up with a Russel Simmons
Dangerous as the muscle business but more seditious
If you ain’t trying to fight the system then you against us
Nobody is killing I
Politician on the side line
I swear I’m gonna live a life, yeah
I give the prayers to the most high, ehh
I say Jah, lead my way
I know one day, it will be ok
No pain, someone got to lead the change
Sun set’s when I become my best
Like Miles Davis playing trumpet
Aim for nothing less
I’m up next on the podium
Every quote I give’s another golden gem
Hold it like you load a gun
Vocals come alive inside you like an ovary
Moving through Fallopian tubes that I’ve unloaded in
I’m only in this for the dope events
From Ethiopian to Port-Au-Prince clocking those coordinates out
Say Jah! Lead my way!

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