The Veronicas ++ When it all falls apart 一队澳洲新的女子组合THE VERONICAS 单曲4ever在澳洲各大流行榜都获得3甲位置 另一首单曲every thing i'm not首周已稳占rage top11位置 黎自澳洲----布利斯班市的双生儿,分别是Jess(左面)及Lisa(右面) 两个都系二十一岁,系圣诞节出生 五岁时便以Origliasso Twins展开她们的show business 有十五年演出经验 并且发行过3张teen pop专辑 两姐妹包办作词及作曲,由rock,R&B,hip pop 大碟THE SECRET LIFE OF所有歌曲都是她们创作的,除左mother mother是番唱Tracy Bonham 另外她们亦会帮其它歌手作歌,例如:t.a.t.u的all about us 亦是她们的作品之一 全名:JESSICA LOUISE ORIGLIASSO(拎住结他) / LISA MARIE ORIGIASSO 花名:JESS 叫 LISA做 LISSIEEE/ LISA 叫 JESS做 CHOOGIE, AND JEH 生日:25-12-1984(圣诞节) 年龄:21 身高:lisa系5尺1吋(153cm左右)/jess系5尺2吋(156cm左右) 体重:lisa系44kg(姐系97-100磅)/jess系43kg(姐系94-97磅) 出生地:Brisbane, Australia 歌路: Pop/Rock, Teen Pop 钟意既歌手:Jennifer Love Hewitt, Chantal Kreviazuk, Natalie Imbruglia, Michelle Branch, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Osbourne, Kelly Clarkson 最钟意咩唔出名既BAND:BUCHANAN 最钟意食咩:蟹,虾,粟米饼,TIM TAMS,牛排,沙津(多醋), 奶油BRULEE 最钟意咩colours:黑,红同绿 最钟意咩科:放lunch(好似唔系科黎) 边个细D:lisa 边个成日有麻烦:JESS 大碟入面最钟意既歌:THERE'S 2, NOBODY WINS, AND MOUTH SHUT 唔钟意美国D咩:饮酒有年龄限制 最钟意美国D咩:粟米饼 最LIKE饮咩:JESS:柠水/LISA:可乐 最LIKE饮咩酒:啤酒 最LIKE睇咩电视节目:24 最想见到边个:MJ The Veronicas' Band JESS:主音同结他手(右方) LISA:主音(左方) Vik Fox:鼓手 Jungle George:结他手 Josh Paul:低音结他手/和音(弹结他时个头成日摇GA) Ethan Roberts:结他手/和音 jess(家姐,左面)特征:个子较高,面比较尖,有鼻环,较thin Lisa(细妹,右面)特征:较short,面唔尖,较靓(我认为)成日攻击jess 额外的小资料:jess比lisa早一分钟出生jess比lisa高一吋,轻1kg by David Jeffries The hook-filled, rocking pop of the Veronicas comes from Brisbane, Australia's Jess and Lisa Origliasso, twin sisters who have been working in show business since they were five years old. Born on Christmas Day, Jess and Lisa were first known simply as the Origliasso Twins. Singing at events and award shows made the young twins comfortable in front of an audience and drew the attention of agents and talent agencies. In their teens, the twins released three teen pop albums as Lisa & Jessica. In 2001 the girls landed recurring roles in the Australian children's series Cybergirl. Songwriting was already playing an important role in the sister's lives and their style was changing from teen pop to teen rock. They became Teal and released the single "Baby It's Over," a hooky number that made the twins sought-after songwriters. American Idol's down under cousin, Australian Idol, employed the twins and one of the Origliassos' compositions appeared on Australian Idol winner Casey Donovan's 2004 debut album, For You, while another of their tracks landed on Japanese pop singer Miz's album Say It's Forever the same year. The girls were now entirely focused on becoming an internationally successful band and were traveling the globe to shop their demos and collaborate with veteran hitmakers. They moved to Los Angeles, changed their name to the Veronicas, turned 20 years old, and landed a deal with the Warner Bros.-associated label Sire. Sire released the Veronicas' full-length debut, The Secret Life Of..., in early 2006.