姓名: 恩雅 外文名: Enya 国籍: 爱尔兰共和国 出生地: 爱尔兰Donegal郡Gweedore 出生日期: 1961年5月17日 职业: 歌手 经纪公司: 华纳音乐 代表作品: Amarantine,A day without rain 本名: Eithne Patricia Ní Bhraonáin 星座: 金牛座 1961年5月17日出生爱尔兰的大家庭中,本名为 - Eithne Ni Bhraonain,父母亲在自组乐团中担任萨克斯风手及钢琴演奏,巡回爱尔兰,苏格兰,英格兰等地演出,表演五十,六十年代的歌曲,自小修习古典钢琴,在充满音乐气息的环境中成长。 '80年 Enya 打消进入音乐大学的念头,而加入由姐姐,两个哥哥及双胞胎叔叔所组成的家族乐团 [Clannad] 担任键盘手,历经2年严格紧凑的巡回演唱经验。将爱尔兰传统民谣予以重新编曲蔚为特色的 [Clannad],由其强烈突出的特色在爱尔兰,英国及欧洲等地拥有祟高而权威的地位。 在才华洋溢的家族成员压力下,欲寻求更自由的创作空间,'82年离开 [Clannad] 另觅发展。离开 [Clannad] 後与乐队经理人Nicky Ryan(制作人)及其妻Roma Ryan(作词人)组成三人创作群,继续开创个人事业。 '85年为David Puttnam 的电影 [Frog Prince] (青蛙王子)担任配乐,为其第一件个人音乐差事。 '86年再为英国国家扩播公司影杰 [The Celt] 担任配乐,同年英国国家扩播公司将其配乐收录为Enya首张同名专辑出版,在爱尔兰排行榜仅次 U2 的 [Joshua Tree] 位居亚军。 呼之欲出的个人才情嬴得国际性唱片公司 WEA 的一纸合约,'88年推出首张正式个人专辑 [Watermark],仍由默契搭挡Nicky Ryan担任制作。 [Watermark] 基本上承袭[Clannad]的创作理念,融合爱尔兰传统根性与高科技的现代传译,著重和声及气氛的营造,藉合成乐器繁复之美经营出超凡脱俗深邃飘渺的意境,将乐器及人声交互重叠的音质效果及有别[Clannad] 清泠沧淳的柔美清雅,树立 Enya 深刻强烈的个人色彩,在英国缔造 Top 5 佳绩。 层次饱满的单曲 "Orinoco Flow" 获英国单曲排行榜冠军达三周之久。 [Watermark] 专辑里的 "Storm in Africa","Exile","River" 等曲选录在 '91年电影 [L.A. Story] (爱就是这么奇妙) [Green Card] (绿卡) 中频频播。 '91年11月4日推出筹备三年的第二张大作 [Shepherd Moons] 仍由长期搭挡Nicky Ryan担任制作,包括三首演奏曲,九首英文及爱尔兰方言的演唱曲,瑰丽神秘圣洁出尘的乐声藉精致准确的录音室技术继[Watermark]後再次神游想像空间。 为配合 [Shepherd Moons]专辑的发表, 91年10月29日展开盛大的全球宣传活动,足迹遍布德国,瑞典,美国,加拿大,澳洲,日本,新加坡,韩国及中国台湾各地。 '91年12月11日首度访华,朴直雅清静的脱俗气质,使各大媒体与乐迷为之倾倒。 '92年1月,英国 Brits 提名名单揭晓,Enya 入围最佳国际女艺人奖项。 '92年,[Shepherd Moons] 在英国榜上抡元,在美国榜则拿到第十七名,澳洲,英国,美国,日本,西班牙,加拿大,比利时,莒兰,庐森堡等国家获颁白金唱片,全球共卖出二百五十多万张。 '92年昌假,由朗霍华执导, 汤姆克陌斯夫妇主演的超级大片[Far And Away] (远离家园),以 Enya 的 "Book of Days" 做舂曲,打入全英 Top 10 。 '92年11月,[Watermark] 在中国台湾创下四白金销售量,[Shepherd Moons] 更缔造七白金的佳绩,均受到乐评的一致赞誉及歌 的热诚欢迎,雅俗供赏之。 '92年11月,WEA 唱片公司取得 [The Celt] 的发行权,经重新包装设计後再度问世,在如梦似幻, 氤氲袅绕的音乐中,Enya柔诉昔居尔特民族的传说与文化。甫推出二个月即获得双白金的佳绩,并打身入英国专辑榜 Top 10。 '92 年 Billboard 年终排行榜上,[Shepherd Moons]与 [Watermark] 分占年度 New Age 专辑的冠军与第五名,Enya 不愧为 New Age 音乐之后。 '93年2月,第35届葛莱美奖揭晓,Enya 的 [Shepherd Moons] 专辑无庸置疑地拿下最佳 New Age 专辑。 '93年 Billboard 年终排行榜中,Enya 再以 [Shepherd Moons]与[Watermark] 获得年度New Age 专辑榜的冠,亚军,Enya 俨然己成为New Age 音乐的代名词。 '94年初,Enya 的 "Marble Halls" 一曲被电影 [The Age of Innocence] (纯真年代) 选作插曲,为这部铺陈上流社会与布尔乔亚美丽和腐败, 注入一真实纯净的清流。 '95年11月,Enya 推出期待已久的新专辑 [The Memory Of Trees],并又在第39届葛莱美奖第二次获得最佳 New Age 专辑。 听恩雅的音乐最宜斜阳西下时分起始。 火球般的落日沉浮在涌浪似的云层上, 将她最后的妍红慷慨地施予纭黛长空。 昏黄的夕照透过摇落的树梢在床前移步, 暮霭氤氲, 恩雅的音乐融入了四周的静寂。 当你将目光漫无目的地投向远处的时候, 似乎一切都在倏忽消逝。 夜幕缓缓落下, 星焰明灭。 此刻的恩雅音乐幻化成了星空彩绘。 都说恩雅的音乐是人间仙乐, 她那吐气如兰的演唱唯有广袤的天际能够容纳。 作为凯乐特人后裔的爱尔兰人为世界流行音乐抹上了一片增色生辉的异彩。 Van Morrison 的质朴遒劲、 U2的苍凉激越、 The Chieftains的朴实纯粹、 Sinead O'connor的孤高清奇、 Enya的清丽飘逸, 都在音乐中突出了爱尔兰人卓尔不群的个性。 虽说恩雅的精致似乎是爱尔兰音乐中的一个异数, 但我们并不拒绝她将我们带入一个纯美的音乐境界 恩雅在80年代初期是爱尔兰乐队Clannad的一员。1987年推出首张个人专辑〈Enya〉并未获得预期的反响,88年凭〈Watermak〉专辑中的一曲“Orinono Flow”得以名扬四海,1991年的〈Shepherd Moons〉(牧羊人之月)专辑巩固了恩雅在New Age音乐领域的地位。 九七年推出的这张名为〈The Best Of Enya--Paint The Sky With Stars〉(最好的恩雅——星空彩绘)的精选专辑收入了10年来恩雅音乐的佳作,所选曲目大多为气势磅礴、节奏较为强劲、稍具动感的曲子,静态慢歌只在其中稍做点缀。 With her blend of folk melodies, synthesized backdrops, and classical motifs, Enya created a distinctive style that more closely resembled new age than the folk and Celtic music that provided her initial influences. Enya is from Gweedore, County Donegal, Ireland, which she left in 1980 to join the Irish band Clannad, the group that already featured her older brothers and sisters. She stayed with Clannad for two years, then left, hooking up with producer Nicky Ryan and lyricist Roma Ryan, with whom she recorded film and television scores. The result was a successful album of TV music for the BBC. Enya then recorded Watermark (1988), which featured her distinctive, flowing music and multi-overdubbed trancelike singing; the album sold four million copies worldwide. Watermark established Enya as an international star and launched a successful career that lasted well into the '90s. Enya (born Eithne Ní Bhraonáin) was born into a musical family. Her father, Leo Brennan, was the leader of the Slieve Foy Band, a popular Irish show band; her mother was an amateur musician. Most important to Enya's career were her siblings, who formed Clannad in 1976 with several of their uncles. Enya joined the band as a keyboardist in 1979 and contributed to several of the group's popular television soundtracks. In 1982, she left Clannad, claiming that she was uninterested in following the pop direction the group had begun to pursue. Within a few years, she was commissioned, along with producer/arranger Nicky Ryan and lyricist Roma Ryan, to provide the score for a BBC-TV series called The Celts. The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album. Enya didn't receive much notice, but Enya and the Ryans' second effort, Watermark, became a surprise hit upon its release in 1988. "Orinoco Flow," the first single, became a number one hit in Britain, helping the album eventually sell eight million copies worldwide. Enya spent the years following the success of Watermark rather quietly; her most notable appearance was a cameo on Sinéad O'Connor's I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got. She finally released Shepherd Moons, her follow-up to Watermark, in 1991. Shepherd Moons was even more successful than its predecessor, eventually selling over ten million copies worldwide; it entered the U.S. charts at number 17 and remained in the Top 200 for almost four years. Again, Enya was slow to follow up on the success of Shepherd Moons, spending nearly four years working on her fourth album. The record, entitled Memory of Trees, was released in December 1995. Memory of Trees entered the U.S. charts at number nine and sold over two million copies within its first year of release. In 1997 came the release of a greatest-hits collection, Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya, which featured two new songs. Enya's first album of new material in five years, Day Without Rain, was released in late 2000. In 2002, she contributed material to the first film in Peter Jackson's award-winning Lord of the Rings trilogy, scoring a hit with the single "May It Be." Amarantine, her first full-length recording since Day Without Rain, followed in November 2005. A holiday EP, Christmas Secrets, arrived in 2006, followed by an all new, full-length collection of original seasonal music called And Winter Came in 2008. 更多>>