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Hold your hand

Hold your hand 歌词

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歌曲:Hold your hand mp3
Hold your hand 孙东山歌词
Hold your hand-孙东山
You said you love me
but why you leave me
I never give up on you
Your smile, your voice
your eyes is going through me
It doesn’t matter what I do, I’m not enough enough
It doesn’t matter the things you did to me to me
You turn around, and you said to me “Piece Off”
I want to hold your hand and hold it tight
I have been sick of all of these
All I want is I can hold your hand
If only I can get a chance
I will hold your hand tonight
It doesn’t matter what I do, I’m not enough
It doesn’t matter the things you did to me to me
I hold your hand, and you told me to let go
I want to let it go, but I can’t do this
I have been sick of all of these
All I want is I can feel your pain
If only I can get a chance
I will hold your hand
I have been sick of all of these
All I want is I can feel your back
If only I can get a chance
I will hold your hand, hold you up
Why I want to hold your hand when you don’t want me
I have been sick of all of these
All I want is I can feel your pain
If only I can get a chance
I will hold your hand tonight

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