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The Joy of Sorrow

The Joy of Sorrow 歌词

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所属专辑:The Joy Of Sorrow
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The Joy of Sorrow 柯智棠歌词

The Joy of Sorrow
词:蔡柏璋 曲:罗恩妮
吉他:董运昌 演唱:柯智棠
We’re all living, we’re all dying
We’re all simple but complicated
We’re hiding, yet craving to be found
We’re all hurting, we’re all wounded
We’re all awake but unaware
Learning the joy of sorrow
We’re all pure, we’re all blended
We’re all envious but content
We’re suffered, yet somehow entertained
We’re all generous, we’re all selfish
We cross our hearts
Hoping to die with the joy of sorrow
We all learn more from pain
We all smile while tears sneak in
We all grin even when the world turns its back on us
We’re like a pure flame, living by an invisible sun within us
We’re all lost, we’re all determined
We’re all traitors but not haters
We’re silent, yet not completely mute
We’re all flawed, we’re all perfect
We’re all patiently impatient
Waiting for the joy of sorrow
We all learn more from pain
We all smile while tears sneak in
We all grin even though the world turns its back on us
We’re like a pure flame, living by an invisible sun within us
We’re all proud, we’re all humble
We’re eloquent but incoherent
We’re happy, yet oddly find it unbearable
We’re all young, we’re all mature
We’re all blessed but often doomed
Yearning to grasp the joy of sorrow

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