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Wait 歌词

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歌曲:Wait mp3
Wait Andreyun歌词

作词  Andreyun
作曲  LO x Soku
编曲  LO x Soku
制作人 Andreyun x LO x Soku
录音  LO x Soku
混音 LO x Soku
母带 LO x Soku
you reminding me
of all the time that I spent
when I used to wait on these
moments that you represent
and I can’t escape cuz we
feel like we ain’t sposed to end
so girl wont chu wait on me
ill be your big be my carrie
for you i throw away my vices
you look so enticing
i’ll put on some oasis
and you dance all night
don’t want no replacement
time witchu ain’t wasted
i hate to see you go cuz baby you’re all mine
so just
wait on me
wait on me
oooh oooh ooh
Verse 2:
Keep my distance from these other girls i see yeah
I wont let nothing come in between you and me yeah
Look at the way you keep ur body movin perfect
i just cut off everybody else cuz I knew you were worth it
you won’t ever see me fuckin round
Imma go be the person who gon love you now.
Dont tell me you would or you wouldnt demonstrate it
Look at all were past and were still affiliated
Girl youre so appreciated!
Close like when were touching
Baby you taught me something
Its crazy to feel so open but in you I can trust and
Im glad youre patient with me
You see the better in me
We could go anywhere you want
If baby you could just
wait on me
wait on me
oooh oooh ooh

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