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Dally Away

Dally Away 歌词

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所属专辑:Endless Dreamless
歌曲:Dally Away mp3
Dally Away Doodle歌词

Dally Away(荒废)
I guess my luck has run out,
Before my friends and girls come to this town,
It’s okay for me.
You said you can’t make me smile,
So the elf is still hanging around,
It’s nothing for us.
But you don’t take me away,
I try to talk to your brain,
Why I’m still feel so bad,
Forgive me, I will pray.
I think I always can’t find,
the way to be a part of this world,
It’s okay for me.
You said we should not waste time,
Before reality is getting me down,
It’s over for me.
But you don’t take me away,
I try to talk to your brain,
Why I’m still feel so bad,
Forgive me, I will pray.
You don’t have to feel so down,
If I still play this sound,
We may need 15 pounds of pot, it’s the final chance.
But something make me afraid,
every recall will fade away,
Why I hate all these days,
I should be holding my breath.
录音/混音:Zen @112F Recording Studio
母带:J.J. Golden @Golden Mastering

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