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Stop That Raining On My Sky

Stop That Raining On My Sky 歌词

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歌曲:Stop That Raining On My Sky mp3
Stop That Raining On My Sky 挂在盒子上歌词
Stop Tthat Raining Of My Sky
词:Gia Wang 曲:Gia Wang/Xu Ming
编曲:Hang on the box
主唱&合成器:Gia Wang 主唱&合成器:杨杨 贝斯:牛方方 鼓:XuMing
Take off my hand
I might Happy more
Need to change a lover, its enough
Can it to stop this raining
Can it not then this hurtful for heart
Who am I of yours?
If Im not your best girl
Then dont waste my life
Unless you only
Look for me
Think about me
Stop that raining of my sky
Stop that raining of my sky
You know what you did for me
How well? how much tender?
How is serious ?
You are not competent to love me
I can see my hurt in your love
A bit more,a bit less
My each tear is not worth to go on
Look at those people in the world
Only me would save myself with future
I never need to cry for you
Stop that raining of my sky

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