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原始冲动 Raw emotion

原始冲动 Raw emotion 歌词

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所属专辑:Selection I -择
歌曲:原始冲动 Raw emotion mp3
原始冲动 Raw emotion 耀乐团歌词
Raw Emotion 词:冯宣元 曲:王璐

I was hollowness
So I fooled all is what you gave me
By now I’m standing here
faking people will shaken and shut out
I’ve tried what your wear
Speaking as you as doing something
Cause fear of losing you
But you always have not been any good
I’m trying fly into the sky
Why did you let me a daze in place
No longer binds around of mind
The sound wave will shock that naked
Everybody now have no illusions
Day after day has gotta same to be
I can not bear this situation
I wanna change and wanna beat the trick
Nobody is living like a zombie
Jump in despair and numbness all day
My life feel like raw emotion
Faking people will shaken and shut out
(A drop of hot tears to my nightmare awake)

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