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Breathing From The Belly

Breathing From The Belly 歌词

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歌手:The Jessica Stuart Few
所属专辑:The Passage
歌曲:Breathing From The Belly mp3
Breathing From The Belly The Jessica Stuart Few歌词
Breathing From The Belly – Jessica Stuart
Took a chance hoping you would deliver on it, instead you spat in my eye
Our promises were never made to be broken – truth isn’t absence of lies
Waiting such a long time, such a long time, my doing’s turning into tries
Made a promise with my best side, gonna live with my feet planted all around the line
And I’m gonna keep on singing it:
(Group vocal) x 2
from the belly to the tip of your tongue
Take a walk with the wild and you can’t act surprised when you notice your burned
Fate is such an easy thing to be tempted – I thought by now I would have learned
Working such a long time, such a long time, my peace is something I’ve earned
Stay away from friendly poisons, and now my luck is gonna turn
And I’m gonna keep on singing it:
(Group vocal) x 4
from the belly to the tip of your tongue
What makes you think that you can ruin my life? x 8
(Group vocal) x 4
from the belly to the tip of your tongue

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