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Give You All

Give You All 歌词

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歌曲:Give You All mp3
Give You All 丝绒公路歌词
Give you all / 给你全部
词作者:金晖 曲作者:金晖 编曲人: 金晖 制作 人:荆极 主唱:金晖 录音版本时长:3:48 录音室:Undernights Records
你知道我走了很远的路来到这里 只为了再见你一面
You know that I’ve walked so far just to see you again
I’ll never forget your sweet lips
and Your pretty eyes captured my heart
Are you ready for a whole new start with me
You know I’ll chase you to the end
I’ll give you my all
我不想再看到你陷入痛苦 和无助的哭泣
I don’t wanna see you fall into pain and cry
give u my all
你要相信 不是所有的事都无可挽回
you need to trust that it won’t rain every single day
你躺在这里就这样睡去 这一刻就像世界只有我们两个人
you are lying here, sleeping. At this moment, it feels like there’s only you and me in the world
看到你再次微笑 那一刻你不知道我有多高兴
that's so happy when I see your smile again
亲爱的 你让我又找到了家的感觉
Darling you make me feel like i am home again
你准备好一个全新的 开始了吗
Are you ready for a whole new start with me
You know I’ll chase you to the end
I’ll give you my all
我不想再看到你陷入痛苦 和无助的哭泣
I don’t wanna see you fall into pain and cry
give u my all
你要相信 不是所有的事都无可挽回
you need to trust that it won’t rain every single day
when your eyes gazing into the blue sky
I hope that you can keep the smile to the end
I’ll give you my all
我不想再看到你陷入痛苦 和无助的哭泣
I don’t wanna see you fall into pain and cry
give u my all
你要相信 不是所有的事都无可挽回
you need to trust that it won’t rain every single day
我想要给你 我想要给你我的全部
I wanna give you I wanna give you all
我不相信有什么东西是永恒的 所有的东西都会改变即使是爱情
I know nothing is forever lasting everything can change even love
but we 'll always hope for the best
就像当我望着你 就再也不愿错过
It’s just like when I see you I don’t wanna miss you ever again

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