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Pretend 歌词

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歌手:吴俊达(Villy Vonka)
所属专辑:Fight 4 Diamonds
歌曲:Pretend mp3
Pretend 吴俊达(Villy Vonka)歌词
In this world of desire with lots of liars
I hate my Aimless life
Tell me the reason , everyone’s gone higher
Left me way down in dust
And i keep doubting as they keep on spitting
On my soul bound for hell
You people keep on believing, you’re mighty
Fuck you when you hit the ground
At least I see everything
The world is so complicated
At least I know what pain is
The world is so complicated
Don’t pretend
One day you’re gonna open your eyes
And you will realize
That I have always keep it real, with demons everywhere
Throw away your rose colored glasses
Before you hit the ground
You people keep on believing, you’re mighty
Fuck you when you hit the ground
At least I see everything
The world is so complicated
At least I know what pain is
The world is so complicated
Don’t pretend
Don’t pretend
Cuz the world is so complicated
At least I know what pain is
The world is so complicated
Don’t pretend
No matter what you do, it’s a bitter world
No matter what you do, it’s a bitter world
No matter what you do, just don’t pretend
No matter what you do
At least I see everything
The world is so complicated
At least I know what pain is
The world is so complicated
Don’t pretend
Don’t pretend
Cuz the world is so complicated
At least I know what pain is
The world is so complicated
Don’t pretend
Don’t pretend

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