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Green (Kabbalah Remix by DJ Hunter)

Green (Kabbalah Remix by DJ Hunter)

Green (Kabbalah Remix by DJ Hunter) 歌词

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歌曲:Green (Kabbalah Remix by DJ Hunter) mp3
Green (Kabbalah Remix by DJ Hunter) 李宇春/麦田守望者歌词
汇成河流向海洋 不停歇
Can you feel that life is rolling
Endless wild and sweet
Can you feel that life is passing
It’s a beautiful world for you
When you’re young and when you’re green
Save all the beautiful things
With pride and love we sing
See, we can show you
We will paint the green to the sky
Green no grey no cries
For peace and truth in life
Such a strong yet fragile life
跨越山谷向海洋 不停歇
Can you feel that life is growing
What amazing grace
Can you tell some things are passing
While you’re looking away
Can you keep the legend going
Let it kill the pain
Can you hear a voice is calling
From me to you
Then you’re young and when you’re green
Save all the beautiful things
With pride and love we sing
See, we can show you
We will paint the green to the sky
Green, no grey no cries
For peace and truth in life
See, we can show you
Can you hear that birds are singing
Dangcing above the green
Can you see that rainbow shining
Shining just for us
Can you feel that life is growing
What amazing grace
Can you tell some things are passing
While you’re looking away
Can you keep the legend going
Let it kill the pain
Can you hear a voice is calling
From me to you
We will paint the green to the sky

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