Norther的历史可以追溯到96年,当时Toni Hallio和Petri Lindroos以Requiem的绰号一起与其他两名成员组建乐队。不久后这支乐队便解散了,原先排练的地方也人去楼空了,但一些人留下了并拼凑成一个三人乐队坚持下来,乐队找到了一切可以的地方进行排练——在家里,在地下室里,在青年中心,甚至在Hallio祖母家的阁楼里……最后在97年年末,乐队通过Children of Bodom的Alexander Kuoppala——他也是乐队的一位好朋友,在著名的Lepakko找到了排练场所,当然,这让这群小伙子激动地话也说不出了,随后乐队开始广泛寻找新队员,但收效不大。在这个时候Lepakko被Requiem扫地出门,乐队阵容再次缩减为两人——Hallio和Lindroos。乐队经过这次巨大震动后,顺利地在Nosturi订到了一个新的排练场所,同时又开始寻找新队员,准备组成新的乐队,许多乐手满怀信心地前去试音,但没有一个让乐队觉得适合他们。然而在2000年年初,乐队一行终于在Kristian Ranta找到了他们所满意的吉他手。于是这新组成的三人乐队开始日以继夜的排练,而命运的天平也终于开始向他们倾斜。Kristian有两个弟兄—— Sebastian和Joakim Ekroos,双双加入了乐队,而他们也顺利录制完成了第一张小样。此时乐队也改名为如今的Norther。这张小样非常出色,也得以让Norther与 Spinefarm唱片公司签下合同,于是Norther正式踏上自己的演艺生涯的漫长道路……然而由于某些原因Norther后来开除了Ekroos兄弟,乐队也再次回到了三人组合。但不久后Norther便找到了Jukka Koskinen和Tuomas Planman,这两人的加入也最终确定下了Norther的固定阵容。随后录制完成的“Dreams of Endless War”让Norther全面步入乐迷们的视野。经过这乐队首张专辑的发行,Norther前进步伐更加为坚定。人们总是习惯把Norther与 Children of Bodom拿来一起做比较,这让乐队头疼不已,虽然如此,来自音乐媒体以及乐迷们的反映却还是相当一致的。Norther随后开始在赫尔辛基附近举行演出,虽没有做什么宣传,但此消息之后就象野火般在全国传播开来,让众多乐队的歌迷欣喜不已。Norther可以说都是一群相当擅长创作的家伙,在乐队首张专辑在世界范围内发行之前,他们新的音乐素材就已经能做另一张专辑出来了。Norther的新专辑“Mirror of Madness”在非凡的制作人Anssi Kippo帮助下,完成于著名的Astia录音棚。这张专辑相当动人,可以说是乐队前进中坚实的一步,延续着继前一张专辑“Dreams of Endless War”所给歌迷们带来的听觉冲击。这张专辑通过与现代黑死音乐中猛烈极端之感的完美结合,发展了Norther原先的音乐风格,成为一种富有包容性的金属风格。Norther音乐中狂暴的激情在这张“Mirror of Madness”中被表现得异常愤怒而彻底,听众会不由自主地随着那怒火喷射出的旋律——或者简单说,就是蛮横残忍的节奏晃动起自己的脑袋。相信 Norther一定会让你无法自拔,而且会让你立刻喜欢上他们。 Originally known as Requiem, the Finnish metal band Norther came together as a result of the collaboration of Toni Hallio and Petri Lindroos. After a spell working out the bugs, the pair were joined by Kristian Ranta on guitar and clean vocals, and Norther was born. The rhythm section was rounded out with the addition of Tuomas Planman, and for the odd flourish or two, keyboardist and synth-player Jukka Koskinen came on board. The band released their first album, Dreams of Endless War, in 2002. A top twenty hit in their home country, Dreams of Endless War led to studio time with Anssi Kippo, who manned the helm for their follow-up in 2003, Mirror of Madness. With Mirror almost breaking the top ten, Norther landed themselves a touring support slot with Dimmu Borgir and Hypocrisy later that year. While the third chapter of Norther, Death Unlimited, wasn't the hit the previous platter was, it led to more shows, and more noteriety. 2005, besides an EP release, found the band working with legendary metal producer Fredrik Nordström (producer of work by other metal legends such as At the Gates and Opeth) on their next opus, the January 2006 release, Till Death Unites Us. Before the release however, Hallio left Norther, and was replaced by Hikki Saari. The album was a huge hit in Finland, hitting number six, and the band spent the better part of the next year and half touring behind it. 2008 marked the band's first release for Century Media, simply titled N. 更多>>