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Elin Furubotn

Elin Furubotn 的热门专辑
关于 Elin Furubotn 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Elin Furubotn
名 称:

BRIEF SUMMARY.. Skiing in the winter and blueberry picking in the summer was all part of her childhood growing up in the small Norwegian village of Tonstad. High in the mountains of southern Norway at 14 she started her first band together with 3 other girls. She was the vocalist and played the bass guitar..... Nowadays she lives in Stavanger, (on the south west coast) plays the acoustic guitar and writes all her own material - in Norwegian. The lyrics tend to be about the peculiar little everyday events and situations that make our lifes so important..... DISCOGRAPHY:.. 1999 - Tikk Takk.. 2006 - Villhund.. 2008 - Det som e n�.. 2009 - Ein tanke unna....The last two albums with producer Erik Hillestad of the record company "Kirkelig Kulturverksted". ....Her most recent album has moved in a more acoustic direction with use of horn players on some of the songs. A song on her last album, played a lot on radio NRK-P1 Norway, a reviewer said " L�p and kj�p ! " ( run out and buy ! ).... During the past year Elin has been touring Norway and also done a few concerts in Germany. ....At the moment she is working on a new exciting project with saxophone-player Karl Seglem and they are planning to record a new CD in 2011. KORT HISTORIKK Elin har v�rt med og skrevet teaterforestilling "Alt i orden"(2000), som ble oppf�rt som gjestespill ved Rogaland Teater. ....Hun var ogs� med i kabaret "Adle kan snofla" sammen med Per Inge Torkelsen (2004), hvor hun bidro med tekst og musikk..... Komponerte filmmusikk til kortfilmen "Feil nummer" av Vigdis Nielsen(2001)... Elin turnerte sammen med Jan Eggum i hans sommerturne i 2006, og opptr�dte med egne l�ter alene med gitar. Dette siste �ret har Elin turnert en del i Norge, men har ogs� holdt noen konserter i Tyskland. ....For tiden jobber hun p� et nytt spennende prosjekt sammen med saksofonist Karl Seglem, og de planleger en CD utgivelse i 2011. CD UTGIVELSER.. 1999 - Tikk Takk.. 2006 - Villhund.. 2008 - Det som e n�.. 2009 - Ein 更多>>

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