Josh Kelley, 美国乐坛又一个天才型创作歌手,25岁的Josh 出生于Augusta(美国缅因州首府)。和很多同龄人一样,Josh音乐乐生涯的启蒙者是美式传统摇滚团体Dave Mattews Band。从来没有受过专业正式音乐训练的Josh大学时候曾经是一名专业运动员。直到大学毕业, Josh才真正开始他的音乐创作生涯。为了引起大家的注意,爱搞怪的他把自己创作的一首Demo上传到Ole Miss大学图书馆的链接上,他充满惊奇的多样化音乐开始在网路间流传着,也因此引起了著名唱片公司Hollywood的关注。 2003 年,Josh Kelley第一张专辑『For The Ride Home』正式出炉。Josh在麦克风前微温的歌唱情绪,年轻随性的创作文采,弥漫着高度的亲合力。首支单曲《Amazing》自夏季推出后,一直高居美国成人摇滚电台的热门播放榜,入主 Top10流行单曲榜。你永远无法预知,在如此可爱的面孔下,一个二十出头的小男生会如何拥有如此有张力的声线。 Josh Kelley具有民谣风格的摇滚总让我想到Jason Mraz,不同的是Josh的声线更浑厚。相对Jason Mraz而言,Josh的歌词来得更平实,更多的叙述的是他对于生活的迷惑。细细品味,有股酸楚。更准确的说,Josh Kelley更像是摇滚版的Jack Johnson和年轻版的David Gray的完美结合。 第一张专辑成功后的Josh Kelley并没有自满。2004年秋季,Josh前往Los Angeles继续他的音乐学习。在著名制作人John Alagia的精心栽培下,Josh学会了14种乐器的演奏。同时,Josh积极争取各大演唱会的热身嘉宾。这为他打下了深厚的现场自弹自唱的功底。同年 8月,Josh翻唱Billy Joel的老歌《To Make You Feel My Love》被收录在Hilary Duff主演的热门电影『A Cinderella Story』原声带。 2005年8月,Josh发行了他的第二张专辑『Almost Honest 』。区别于第一张专辑,『Almost Honest』大部分采用了Josh最拿手的木吉他配乐的轻快曲风,更大胆融入了Gospel的合唱方式。听着Josh娓娓道来《Walk Fast》、《Only You》、《Love Is Breaking My Heart》、《Almost Honest》等一首首关于不安、爱慕、期许、等待与随想的唱作,写实且深刻,却又不会到一成不变的无趣的歌词 Count Josh Kelley a fan of Napster. The Augusta, GA, native was writing songs on the side as a student at the University of Mississippi, and in a happy Internet accident, some Napstered MP3s of his work made their way to an A&R rep for Hollywood Records. Kelley eventually signed with the label, and his debut album, For the Ride Home, appeared in June 2003. It took awhile for it to build up steam, but eventually listeners starting responding to Kelley's affable, John Mayer-ish sound. "Amazing" did well as a single, landing on the soundtrack to the Kate Hudson romantic comedy Raising Helen and setting up a February 2004 re-release of For the Ride Home that included a bonus disc with acoustic performances and two unreleased songs. Kelley returned in August 2005 with Almost Honest. It featured the single "Only You," which he co-wrote with pop hitmakers the Matrix. Just Say the Word followed in 2006. 更多>>