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Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字。这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,给整个澳洲乐坛带来了不小的情感冲击,通过他的第1张唱片《a mark on the pane》让他们在美国,英国,乃至日本也都有了属于他们的听众,可以说他们的音乐有种打动人心的魅力。新专辑《A Plea en Vendredi 》也是相当精彩动听!美丽的山水音乐,带着感情的简单舒缓的旋律和轻柔醉人的嗓音,让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨,如沐春风。 平缓优美的旋律,没有什么激昂的东西。可是就这么平淡着,慢慢的渗透到人的内心。木吉他,配上简单的鼓点,偶尔用些钢琴做点缀。真的证明了往往最简单直接的东西才是最动人的。感情如此,音乐亦如此。 Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字,这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,并且通过他的第1张唱片a mark on the pane让他在美国、英国乃至日本都有属于他的听众。 怎么描述他的音乐风格呢? 用独立方式制作出带着流行味道的民谣,虽然看起来有点矛盾,但仔细想想,却是很贴切的。他的音乐并非属于另类,朗朗上口,带着流行的气息。而且,质朴的风味充满了民谣的气息。 春天虽然已经过去。然而听着这样的音乐,无异于再次感受到春天的气息。 整张专辑中,最喜欢这一首。平淡而流畅的音乐,使人安详宁和。 About Tamas Wells This story has two parts. It begins 4 years ago in a vibrant music scene in Melbourne Australia. Renowned Australian producer Tim Whitten (The Panics, Art of Fighting) heard a copy of Tamas Wells’ home recorded songs and invited he and his friends to Megaphon studios in Sydney to record a debut album. This collection of songs made up the album A Mark on the Pane which was released on Australia’s Popboomerang Records and peaked at 16 on the Australian AIR charts. The band went on to do five Australian national tours through 2004. “one of the year’s (2004) most beautiful records” (Inpress, Melbourne) “beautiful melodies, dreamy arrangements and vocals that are virtually out of this world” (Baby Sue, US 5+/5 stars) "absolutely marvellous" (4.5/5 stars, Time OfF, Brisbane) "A Mark on the Pane is a beautiful album destined to become a cult record for many" (Savio Records, Italy) "I wouldn't presume to try and convince anyone that the joy that comes with discovering an album like this is a once in a lifetime experience, but it is one of those timeless gems that will be on many personal top 10 lists for many years to come" (Music Works zine, UK) "A gentle masterpiece" (dB Magazine, Adelaide) "Nick Drake's folk meeting up with Iceland's stately Sigur Ros a beautiful, sublime record" (8/10 stars Australian Financial Review) The second part begins after recording songs for a second album when Tamas Wells left Australia to live in the city of Yangon in Burma in South East Asia. Despite this move the 2006 album A Plea en Vendredi with its Beat Magazine Single of the Week Valder Fields received glowing reviews and airplay in Australia. As well as an Australian release, Tamas Wells also signed a deal with renowned Tokyo based label Inpartmaint Records in Japan and also with Beijing based label Pocket Records (Dirty Three, Maximilian Hecker). The album gained significant airplay and went on to sell several thousand copies remarkably reaching number 16 in Japan's HMV Shibuya international chart. The release culminated in a sell out tour of four Japanese cities in August 2007. "A delight from start to finish!" (Express magazine, Perth) "Wells is already revered for his gentle voice and mysteriously moving lyrics and this 11 track gem will only enhance his reputation for beautifully broken art’’ (Daily Telegraph, Sydney) "Nothing else needs to be said except that we HIGHLY RECOMMEND this album WITHOUT RESERVATION. A Plea en Vendredi is, quite simply, a beautiful and intricate masterpiece" (Baby Sue, US) The new Tamas Wells album Two Years in April is now available in stores and online. See Shop Page to purchase album. See Tour Page for tour dates in your area. He still resides in Yangon, Burma. 更多>>