拥有爱尔兰与苏格兰血统的菲姬以童星身分起家,91年,菲姬与好友Renee Sands(*动画“史瑞克”中担任菲欧娜公主的歌曲配唱)组成动感流行乐团Wild Orchids,2001年,正当乐团人气逐渐攀升,RCA音乐厂牌宣布与乐团解约,面对这突来的重挫,菲姬的心情也跌落谷底。2003年,当时正在寻求突破的嘻哈队伍-黑眼豆豆合唱团在巡回演唱期间意外的与菲姬搭上线,由于双方默契极佳,菲姬随即加入了专辑《Elephunk》的录制,正式成为乐团的一份子,随着专辑首支单曲《Where Is The Love》称霸英国金榜冠军,黑眼豆豆与菲姬的音乐生涯都创造了出道以来的巅峰,黑眼豆豆在有了菲姬的性感加持下,乐团原有的动感与创意更增添了性感的诱惑力,2005年发行的专辑《Monkey Business》声势更是看涨,专辑中的单曲《Don't Phunk With My Heart》、《My Humps》双双高居英、美排行榜季军位置,乐团在2004-06年间奖声连连,总计抱回了2座葛莱美奖、2座MTV音乐录影带大奖、2座MTV欧洲音乐奖、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车奖、全美青少年直选奖等无数音乐奖。 菲姬的性感魅力从流行乐坛一路蔓延到时尚舞台,她陆续成为“FHM男人帮”、“Maxim”等时尚休闲杂志的封面人物与专题焦点,2006年夏季菲姬更进军好莱坞在电影“海神号”中客串,展现她的歌唱实力。 by Andy Kellman Like Martika, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Rahsaan Patterson, Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson got her first major break as a youngster on the television program Kids Incorporated. Born in 1975, she did voice work for The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, as well as commercials, prior to becoming a Kids Incorporated regular from 1984 through 1989. Along with Stefanie Ridel and fellow Kids Incorporated alum Renee Ilene Sandstrom, Ferguson formed Wild Orchid, a teen pop group that released a pair of albums during the late '90s. A few years after the group's split, Ferguson joined the Black Eyed Peas in time to record 2003's Elephunk. She became central to the group's mainstream success ("Let's Get It Started," "My Humps") and released her first solo album, The Dutchess, during September 2006 更多>>