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歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Caitlin Hart
名 称:

姓名:caitlin hart 性别:女 别名:暂无 国籍:美国 语言:英语; 出生地:暂无 生日:暂无 星座:暂无 身高:暂无 体重:暂无 caitlin hart简介:Once upon a time in a city filled with smog and lights a girl was born with pink nail polish, long eye lashes, and lots to say. She grew a little and made friends with a chihuahua named Lucho. Together they decided to take over the world. They were both small so they knew no one would ever see it coming. Drinking chai tea lattes, and eating vegan food, they wrote songs about life and love. 更多>>

本页提供的是 Caitlin Hart 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Caitlin Hart 明星档案, Caitlin Hart的图片资料。