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Sleepy Eyed Fox

Sleepy Eyed Fox 的热门专辑
关于 Sleepy Eyed Fox 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Sleepy Eyed Fox
名 称:

姓名:sleepy eyed fox 性别:暂无 别名:暂无 国籍:美国 Sleepy Eyed Fox was officially started in July 2009 with a determination to make their own style of music that is fresh for tired mainstream ears and speaks from their hearts. They have a modern spin on an old-time sound that marries the enthusiasm of Mumford & Sons with the rawness of Nickel Creek, and the sincere harmonies of Fleet Foxes, all the while the truth in their songs speaks to all who will listen. 更多>>

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