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Reaching Away

Reaching Away 的热门专辑
关于 Reaching Away 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Reaching Away
名 称:

REACHING AWAY features Roger King on guitar and vocals, Kurt King on guitar, Bill Mcreary on bass, and Nick Castro on drums. Roger, Kurt and Bill were previously in the early 90’s influenced emo rock band, THE PINE. REACHING AWAY started in the summer of 09’ after THE PINE had a 5 year hiatus. Bill continued on with other bands including LOSER LIFE, while Kurt moved to Fresno and Roger took on film making. The strike is over, the boys are back together, and the result is REACHING AWAY. Deep lyrics about a man struggling with life changing decisions, and an acoustic band to back up every word. The bridge is being built 更多>>

本页提供的是 Reaching Away 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Reaching Away 明星档案, Reaching Away的图片资料。