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Washed Out

Washed Out 的热门专辑
关于 Washed Out 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Washed Out
名 称:

by Margaret Reges Ernest Greene had been involved in a number of musical endeavors by the time he started putting together a series of recordings as Washed Out. Leading up to his first Washed Out recordings in the summer of 2009, Greene had worked on a similarly noisy and computerized (albeit far more guitar-heavy and fast-paced) bedroom recording project called Lee Weather. He had also worked on a series of dance music recordings with a local band in Columbia, SC called Bedroom. Washed Out's initial offerings -- drowsy, distorted, dance pop-influenced tracks that brought to mind Neon Indian and Memory Cassette -- would reflect the influence of both of these projects. Mexican Summer digitally released Washed Out's debut EP, Life of Leisure, in mid-2009; the EP was slated for release on vinyl in October of that year. A limited-edition, cassette-only release, the High Times EP, was scheduled for release on Mirror Universe that September. 更多>>

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