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艺 人:Elijah
名 称: 伊利亚

Music makes up the final bond between these 4 experienced musicians. More than simple communal vibration, it is generosity, human warmth and taste for collaboration that characterises their repertoire. Its probably this very generosity and the will to serve music by respecting it that allows ELIJAH to impose itself onto a wide audience. Prestigious artists were kind enough to participate in the project by contributing to the recording of their first album: ELIJAH’s musical style Sometimes described as a style in music, the word Fusion in the French dictionary is depicted as "the inner union resulting from the combination or the permeation of human beings or things" As far as Elijah is concerned, the "human beings" in question are: GREGORY REYNAERT saxophone MIKE RAJAMAHENDRA drums STEPHANE BEAUCOURT bass JEREMIE TERNOY piano. Related to the "things", it concerns the various musical inspirations of the 4 musicians. That goes from the Rock to the Funk, going through Reggae, Soul and Jazz… The last style of music mentioned above is directly linked with JAZZ FUSION. What is exactly JAZZ FUSION This is a musical style born at the end of the 60’s. This style is launched by Miles Davis when he left the Be-bop to play an amplified music, melting jazz influences, rock, rhythm and blues, soul music, funk and sometimes classical music. Jazz Fusion is often a frustrating kind of music because without a strong sense of balance, the music’s complexity hides easily its sensibility. 更多>>

本页提供的是 Elijah 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Elijah 伊利亚明星档案, Elijah的图片资料。