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这个来自汉诺威的甜甜的女孩有着一张天使的面孔(甜甜的笑容、清爽的面容以及可爱的撅嘴),加上天籁的声音,出色的音乐才华,理所当然地被德国民众选中,为德国在欧洲舞台上歌唱,显然,德国人对她寄予了厚望,她也很快成为全德舆论的焦点、德国人眼里的女英雄,她没有辜负大家的厚望。 她的祖父是德国的外交家Andreas Meyer-Landrut,但是她的父亲在她两岁的时候离开了她们母女,现在他的父亲一定后悔了,因为,现在,全德国都在为Lena狂热。小Lena5岁就开始联系跳舞和唱歌,是真正的演艺才女。从2009年秋天,当时才18岁的她开始参加“我们去奥斯陆的英雄”节目,并最终夺魁。她为决赛所创作的作品是Satellite(英文歌曲)唱响全德,她也因此获得了Satellite的绰号。 世界杯的热潮还没有真正来临的时候,德国的“Lena热”早已经开始了。 Lena Meyer-Landrut (born 23 May 1991) also known by her stagename Lena, is a German singer. She will represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 with the song "Satellite", having won the national pre-selection show Unser Star für Oslo. With her three entries from the national final, Meyer-Landrut set a new chart record in her home country, debuting three songs in the top five of the German singles chart. "Satellite" debuted at number one in Germany, and has been certified triple gold since. 更多>>

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