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艺 人:Forgetting Sarah Marshall
名 称: 忘掉莎拉·马歇尔

"The latest movie Produced by hit film maker Judd Apatow (40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad). Starring Jason Segal (How I Met Your Mother) and Kristin Bell (Veronica Mars) the screenplay (by Segal) tells the tale of a love sick composer of TV scores (Peter Bretter) who is dumped by his TV actress girlfriend. Peter retreats to Hawaii only to find that his ex and her rock star boyfriend (Aldous Snow, lead singer of the band Infant Sorrow) are staying at the same hotel. The hilarious cast also features several of Judd Apatow's regulars including: Jonah Hill (Superbad) Paul Rudd (Knocked Up) and Bill Hader (SNL).The music is an integral part of the film. Several key scenes involve performances by the films' characters of songs exactly as they appear on our CD including a number from the "rock opera about Dracula for puppets" that is composed by Peter. "   更多>>

本页提供的是 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 忘掉莎拉·马歇尔明星档案, Forgetting Sarah Marshall的图片资料。