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Frightened Rabbit

Frightened Rabbit 的热门专辑
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艺 人:Frightened Rabbit
名 称:

电子摇滚复兴,现下编曲美学越来越凸显低音节奏部;苏格兰乐团Frightened Rabbit反其道而行,不设专属贝斯手,表演时改以键盘代替。 第二张专辑The Midnight Organ Fight由主唱Scott Hutchison手绘封面,无论专辑名称的指涉或果真於内页出现的「器官」图像,都给人掏心掏肺的写实感,音乐更是如此。 气势上,澎湃急促的鼓击与大器厚实的吉他,Frightened Rabbit激起的情感彷彿是布鲁克林Pela的峦生兄弟;气质上,略带鼻息的乡音与久经压抑后点燃的爆炸力,与苏格兰同胞Twilight Sad更是如出一辙。一张不容错过的硬派作品。 Playing clever but purposefully naïve pop in the manner of the Vaselines, the Twilight Sad, and the Clean, Frightened Rabbit sound a good bit bolder than their moniker would suggest, though it suits their lively but nervous musical personality. Frightened Rabbit was founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2004, when guitarist Scott Hutchison and his brother Grant, a percussionist who -- like his sibling -- prefers to keep his last name a secret, began recording demos of songs they had written. Encouraged by friends and family, the brothers added a second guitarist, their friend Billy, and the trio began making the rounds of Glasgow's pubs and music venues. Slowly but surely gaining a reputation for their work, Frightened Rabbit began work on their first album, initially planning to record at the home studio where they'd done their original demos but eventually opting to record at Glasgow's Diving Bell Studio with Marcus Mackay instead. Frightened Rabbit released Sing the Greys through their own label, Hits the Fan Records, in mid-2006. Reviews were enthusiastic, and Universal picked up the disc for distribution in the U.K. and the U.S. The group's reputation enjoyed a considerable boost in America after they played a well-received showcase at the 2007 South by Southwest Music Conference in Austin, TX, and the U.S. release of Sings only increased Frightened Rabbit's popularity. The band's sophomore release, Midnight Organ Flight, arrived in April 2008. 更多>>

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