The Sunshine Underground是不折不扣的音乐"混血儿",你别想沿用传统思路的给他们归类。 关于The Sunshine Underground唯一能确定的是,他们听觉狂欢般的音乐能顷刻间抓住你的耳朵。乐队的名字来自Chemical Brothers的一首歌。没错,他们就是喜欢重重的节拍。Craig说:" 我们是一个party乐队。" 首张专辑《Raise The Alarm》完美结合indie-rock和跳舞音乐。《Wake Up》、《Dead Scene》让你领略鼓手Matthew Gwilt 和贝斯手Daley Smith跨越funk、disco-punk的风格。但是,你不能叫他们 New Rave。也许他们的DNA里有Daft Punk,但毕竟他们太擅长融各种元素于一炉--别忘了,他们还深受Blur 和Radiohead影响。 六年前, Craig和乐队其他成员在 英国的Shropshire上学。"在大学,我们基本上无事可做。" 就是这些不爱上课的小伙子,今天成了英国独立音乐的拯救者。但是他们始终保持着朴实低调的心态和自己的音乐风格。现今的所谓"地下"音乐人抛出100英镑做发型是件寻常事。但是 SU 对这些华而不实的事情不感兴趣。"我们只是普通的年轻人。"Stuart说,"有些人喜欢用外貌表达自我,这没问题,但是我们对这个没兴趣。 他们对当明星、上报纸头条也不感兴趣。他们只想拥有喜欢自己音乐的乐迷。Craig说:"我们做音乐就是为了和那些喜欢音乐 的人分享,不是为了出名。这和当明星不是一回事,音乐是我们的工作。我们不指望发财,只要十年后不用去快餐店吃汉堡就好-- 那就混得太惨了。"他真的不必担心,不管他们愿意不愿意,The Sunshine Underground已然显露了音乐大牌的气象...... by Margaret Reges Armed with an angular, beat-heavy sound similar to that of Franz Ferdinand or the Kaiser Chiefs, the Sunshine Underground got their start playing gigs in the Leeds area in the early 2000s. They all went to high school in Shropshire, a county in southwestern England near the Welsh border. Craig Wellington was going to school in Shrewsbury and Stuart Jones, Daley Smith, and Matthew Gwilt went to school in Telford. Eventually, Gwilt was accepted to go to the University of Leeds, and the boys collectively moved there after graduation. They formed the Sunshine Underground soon after they got to Leeds, naming their band after a Chemical Brothers track. It was during this time that the band established important contacts in the music industry, eventually hooking up with ¡Forward, Russia!'s "scene fixer," who promoted some of the Sunshine Underground's first shows. They captured the attention of audiences all over Britain when in 2005 the band won a popular BBC-1 battle of the bands competition called Fresh Meat. The band's debut single, "Put You in Your Place," was released on the City Rockers label in July of that year. They released another single in 2006, "Commercial Breakdown," and released their first full-length album, Raise the Alarm, on the same label a few months later. In August of that year, the band's single "Put You in Your Place" made it to number 39 in the Top 40. 更多>>