亚历山卓.迪斯普拉特(Alexandre Desplat)1961年8月23日生于法国巴黎。母亲为希腊人、父亲为法国人,两人相遇于加州柏克莱大学,后于旧金山完婚,定居于法国。迪斯普拉特五岁时开始学习钢琴,后来改学小号与长笛。由于热爱音乐与电影,于是决定以电影配乐家为终身职志。1985年完成第一部作品《Ki Lo Sa?》,至2007年已经为100部电视及电影创作过配乐。 2000年迪斯普拉特以《路辛的棋局The Luzhin Defence》开始受到美国市场的瞩目,2003年以《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Girl with a Pearl Earring)获得金球奖的提名。之后,与好莱坞的合作更为紧密,作品包括:《灵异缘未了》(Birth,2004)、《爱你爱到快抓狂》(Upside of Anger,2005)、《终极人质》(Hostage,2005)、《情圣卡萨诺瓦》(Casanova,2005)、《谍对谍》(Syriana,2005,金球奖配乐提名)、《猜心》(或译《面纱》The Painted Veil,2006,第64届金球奖获得最佳原创音乐奖),以及广受好评的《黛妃与女皇》(The Queen,2006,金像奖配乐提名)。其他著名的作品还包括:《我心遗忘的节奏》(De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté)。他为好莱坞带进不少欧洲配乐的创作思惟,并灌注深度与优雅的成份,配乐大师的地位已然奠立。 迪斯普拉特的配乐方式并非以点对点的方式来为画面搭配音乐,而是以冥想性的风格,铺陈影片的情绪。在最新的作品《色·戒》电影配乐中,精准掌握电影之悲剧氛围,将凄美却又略带悲壮的气氛,绵密铺陈。主题旋律在优雅中隐含着不安与不祥,主奏的大提琴紧紧牵系着爱欲与暗杀的情绪,而陪衬的乐器,无论是钢琴或是弦乐,都让无穷的余韵深切地拨动观影者心底的泪眼之阀。迪斯普拉特的音乐魅力,在电影中无言的片段尤其撼动人心。配乐隐然成了人物的对白,轻易地道出了每个角色心中无法言喻的多重欲念,与挥之不去的深沉感伤。 by William Ruhlmann French composer Alexandre Desplat is the son of a Greek mother and a French father who met in the U.S. while both were attending the University of California at Berkeley, married in San Francisco, and settled in France. He began studying the piano at age five, later switching to trumpet and then flute. Fascinated by both music and film, he decided to pursue a career as a composer of movie scores. Starting with Ki Lo Sa? in 1985, his scores for television and film had reached a total of 100 by 2007. In these works, he developed a contemplative style that did not attempt to respond on a point-by-point basis to the action onscreen, but rather set its own complementary mood. He began to attract attention in the U.S. with The Luzhin Defence in 2000, which had a soundtrack album released in America by Silva Screen Records. His music for Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) earned a Golden Globe nomination, and with that recognition he began to work increasingly on English-language films distributed by the Hollywood studios, including Birth (2004), The Upside of Anger (2005), Hostage (2005), Casanova (2005), Syriana (2005) (also nominated for a Golden Globe), Firewall (2006), and The Painted Veil (2006) (a Golden Globe Award winner), all of which produced soundtrack albums. The Queen (2006) earned him his first Academy Award nomination. 更多>>