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Burn Before Reading

Burn Before Reading 的热门专辑
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艺 人:Burn Before Reading
名 称:

5个年轻人来自丹麦哥本哈根,音乐类型:摇滚 / 激流 / Electronica VOLA was formed by Niels Dreijer (Guitar | Vocals), Asger Mygind (Guitar | Vocals) and Niklas Scherfig (Drums | Sounds) in Birkerod, spring 2004. The line-up was expanded later that year with bass player Jeppe Bloch and during the summer of 2007 keyboard and sample man Martin Werner joined the fold. The band was originally named Balcony Fall, but in January 2008 it was collectively decided to change the name to VOLA ("flying" in Latin). VOLA’s music is best described as reflective, melodic rock with massive walls of sound and progressive flavours 更多>>

本页提供的是 Burn Before Reading 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Burn Before Reading 明星档案, Burn Before Reading的图片资料。