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艺 人:Klaus Badelt
名 称:

Klaus Badelt,德国人,2000年被他的老乡Hans Zimmer看中并带到了好莱坞,在Hans的MV工作室工作,协助Hans完成了《The Pledge 誓言》、《Hannibal 汉尼伯》、《Invincible 纳粹制造》等电影的配乐。2002年,Klaus Badelt第一次独立完成了电影《The Time Machine》的配乐,依靠一曲曲气势磅礴的乐曲,一鸣惊人,确立了自己在好赖坞的地位。随后,Klaus Badelt再接再厉,在近几年里谱写了《K-19: The Widowmaker》、《The Recruit》、《Pirates of the Caribbean》、《Constantine》《无极》以及今年的《Poseidon 新海神号》。 Klaus Badelt 是近年来电影配乐的有名作曲家,先后为电影 Pearl Harbor(珍珠港), Hannibal(汉尼拔), Mission: Impossible II(不可能的任务2)以及 Gladiator(神鬼战士)配乐。可谓是大有来头。The Time Machine 的 OST 可以说是非常的雄伟壮阔,有些地方可以用惊天动地来形容(动态很大)。是那种典型的好莱坞管弦乐风格,这也继承了 Klaus Badelt 作曲的风格。比如 Gladiator(神鬼战士)和 Pearl Harbor(珍珠港),第一首曲子 01.Professor Alexander Hartdegen 一上来就是气势恢宏的法国号群奏。从 Gladiator和The Time Machine 这两张 OST 来看,Klaus Badelt 不但擅长管弦乐的配器,而且擅长穿插民族乐器,特别是打击乐。另外,人声合唱也是这两张专辑的一大两点,不过这点看来在 The Time Machine OST 裏表现得尤为突出,听听 08.Eloi 和 15.God Speed 就知道了,洒脱而感人肺腑的旋律简直让人欲罢不能...整个配乐基本上是围绕两个旋律在进行,一个是 01 中就可以听到那段法国号群奏的旋律,另一个就是 08.Eloi 中的女声合唱实在让人动容。整张 CD 音质应该非常好,用来做试音碟都绰绰有余了。另外,提醒大家一下,听 07.Time Traval 的时候小心不要被吓到了。 Klaus Badelt (born 1967) is a German composer, best known for composing film scores. Life and career Badelt was born in Frankfurt, Germany. He started his musical career composing for many successful movies and commercials in his homeland. In 1998, Oscar-winning film composer Hans Zimmer invited Badelt to work at Media Ventures in Santa Monica, his studio co-owned by Jay Rifkin. Since then, Badelt has been working on a number of his own film and television projects such as The Time Machine and K-19: The Widowmaker. He also collaborated with other Media Ventures composers, such as Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell, and Zimmer; and mentored several others like Ramin Djawadi and Steve Jablonsky. While collaborating with Zimmer, Badelt contributed to the Oscar-nominated scores for The Thin Red Line and The Prince of Egypt, as well as writing music for many well known directors including Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Terrence Mallick, John Woo, Kathryn Bigelow, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Werner Herzog, Sean Penn, Gore Verbinski, and Steven Spielberg. Badelt co-produced the score to Hollywood box office hit Gladiator, directed by Ridley Scott, as well as writing portions of the score with singer/composer Lisa Gerrard. Having contributed music to Gladiator, Mission: Impossible 2 and Michael Kamen's score for X-Men, Badelt was involved in the three most successful movies in 2000. Badelt also collaborated with Zimmer on other successful films, such asThe Pledge, and 2001 blockbusters Hannibal and Pearl Harbor. One of his more famous and popular scores was for the 2003 film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.[2] Among Badelt's most critically celebrated scores are the Chinese fantasy film The Promise[3][4][5] and Dreamworks' remake of The Time Machine, the latter which earned him the Discovery of the Year Award at the World Soundtrack Awards 2003. He also wrote the music for the closing ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and was commissioned to write the opera about China's First Emperor, to be premiered in 2011. 更多>>

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