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New Century Classics

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艺 人:New Century Classics
名 称:

也许用曼妙来形如这支波兰后摇新贵再贴切不过了,前两张作品乐团已经显示了不俗的旋律编排能力,清淡的曲风使得乐团更像是来自亚洲地区的团体。新专在旋律优美度上丝毫不逊前作,唯一的缺憾便是电子成分的加重过犹不及,使得原本飘逸的风格到有了一丝浮夸,好在似乎乐团也意识到了这点将编排尽量的沉静下来,同时优美的提琴介入隐没在老三件的背后渐渐驱散了电气的氤氲,使人重回到器乐后摇美妙的聆听旅途中。 Real Name: Anna Spysz, Antonello Perfetto, Dana Dramowicz, Marek Kaminski & Mateusz Majewski Profile: New Century Classics was formed in may 2006 by a group of friends and refugees from various parts of the world, centered around a mutual love of good music and the desire to fill their time and their hands with as many instruments as possible. The band consists of two Poles, a Polish-American and a Polish-Canadian hybrid, and an Italian who's decent at banging on things with sticks. Always experimenting, new century classics is constantly acquiring new sounds and new instruments (when they can afford it). If necessary, New Century Classics music can be defined as Post Rock. However, genres tend to be limiting and definitions are better left in dictionaries on shelves. Lineup: Anna - Rhodes, Synths, Bells, Guitar. Antonello - Percussion. Dana - Violin, Synths, Guitar, Bass. Marek - Guitar, Rhodes, Synths, Bass. Mateusz - Lead Guitar, Bass, Keys. 更多>>

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