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艺 人:Superfamily
名 称:

SUPERFAMILY has a habit of confusing people. When people catch one of their shows for the first time, there are a lot of “what the hell is this??” reactions. Folks are not used to seeing a band that combines theater, S&M and communist propaganda. Some people become shocked, but most people fall head over heels with their non-standard live show. It is however difficult for anyone after the show to forget their brand of pop-rock, that has been described as a hybrid of ABBA and Joy Division. In 2007, Superfamily received a National Grammy for their album “Warzawa” and the single “The Radio has Expressed” was the most played song on Norwegian radio. And after all the intensive touring across the country, Superfamily has become one of the finest live acts to come out of Norway these days. Up until recently, Superfamily has been hanging around their native country, the free spirited social-democratic Utopia of Norway. In their arctic home, they are one of the biggest acts since Turbonegro and A-ha. But now, they have started their quest for pop-world domination, driven by the incentives of making more money and paying less tax. 更多>>

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