Summerhill夏之天香,正如酷暑里的一股清风以轻松优雅的姿态从容 地滑入到赋予旋律的女声抒情流行音乐传统中。乐团风格源于60年代 的由不同艺术家如Antonio Carlos Jobim 和Astrid Gilberto等发起的 Bossa Nova “新浪潮”。 特别值得提出的,是上一世纪最有名的偶 像明星之一法兰西女伶Claudine Longet,她的音乐在Summerhill的心 中有着重要的位置。对这种抒情又清新的音乐风格的延续起到作用的 还有当代艺术团体Saint Etienne, Julee Cruise 和 Belle & Sebastian。 夏之天香力图通过现代的音乐形态诠释原声的印尼乐曲风格和优美清 新而又略带忧郁的抒情音乐旋律 ---- 使听歌者如同在炎热的夏日里感 受到一股清爽的微风。乐团的第一支单曲“Parking Lane 停车道”在 丹麦最大的音乐广播电台P3刚一播出便获得了不菲的回应。夏之天香 乐团的首张专辑于2007年9月10日由丹麦Bonnier-Amigo唱片公司出版 发布。专辑只包含了乐队成员自创的曲目, 并保持了与“ Parking Lane 停车道”相同的曲风,舒缓妩媚,涌入人心。 主唱Sofie Darting在音乐领域还是位无名人士,但是她的魅力和天赋 从一开始就被乐团的另外两位绅士所注意,他们是Anders Remark 和 Thomas Li。自然的天赋在这位优雅的女士身上处处体现。她的声线 没有受到过专业训练,但却能即刻引起每一位倾听者的注意,然而在 舞台上她却闪现出专业的魅力与风度。 尽管夏之天香乐团仅仅成立三年,在成员默契的合作下形成了乐团简 约通俗,直接又不失细腻的音乐灵魂。优雅诱人的旋律呈现冷寂静默 的现代音乐气质,但也不失多愁善感的情绪和浮想联翩的气氛。不管 是在舞台上还是在工作室里,他们的默契无处不在,对音乐的热忱和 钟情牵动着他们的情绪,使每一个人在现场演出中也迸发出同样的诱 惑力。 Summerhill 夏之天香,特别在这炎炎酷热的夏天到来之即,随着她轻 盈逸乐的乐律无疑成为年度的敏感情节之一。他们的音乐是不受时代 限制的,并带有灵魂、活力和心智的流行音乐。 Summerhill are home again after two lovely weeks in both China and Japan. It has been wonderfull to experience the two beautiful countries by playing gigs. All in all we have played 8 very different gigs. Some of them were big like at the MIDI festival (China) and some of them were more intimate like at Mao Livehouse (China) & Live Gate (Japan). But all of the nights were certainly great one way or another! During the time in Beijing, we also worked on a Chinese version of our hit single ‘Country Boy’ with local vocalist Kiki aka Milk from the band Milk@Coffee (Modern Sky Records). Actually Kiki joined us on the song at a concert at the Great Wall. There are so many people to thank for making this tour reality, and you know without a doubt who you are! Thanks to all the local bands we met both in China and Japan. You have been a really great inspiration to us! So thank you all! We are already looking forward to visit you again… Love from Summerhill... Tokyo based record company Quince Records distributes the Summerhill CD in Japan. Buy it online here: iTunes, HMV, Tower Records, Amazon, CD-wow, and AxelMusic . 更多>>