来自美国麻州Beverly的后摇乐队Caspian成立于2003年的秋天,由Philip Jamieson、Chris Friedrich、Joe Vickers、Calvin Joss四个年轻的小伙子组成.Caspian所展现的后摇始终保持着一股张力,充满了讨人喜欢的旋律和优雅的高潮,想像空间非常辽阔.05年发行的EP"You Are The Conductor"为他们赢得了了巨大的成功.07年乐队发行的新专辑"The Four Trees"依旧维持了相当高的水准.整张专辑磅礴大气,俨然一个连贯的故事接踵而至,明暗对比强烈,模糊不清的乐句,层层迭迭.Caspian独特自我的声音试图传递情绪中丰富的纪录,在六十分钟的歌曲中流淌着不平静的音波. CASPIAN is a rock band from Beverly, MA, a seaside town 20 minutes north of Boston. Nobody sings. Most of the time, we play very loud. Sometimes quite soft. We always try to play with heart. So far we have recorded three albums. The process is always evolving. Thanks for exploring it with us. BAND Philip Jamieson › Guitar, Programming, Samples Erin Burke-Moran › Guitar Joe Vickers › Drums Chris Friedrich › Bass Guitar Calvin Joss › Guitar 更多>>