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艺 人:The Pepper Pots
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It seems almost unbelievable that, back in the sixties, a small island could originate a kind of music that can still cause so much admiration. Under the influence of the American voices of soul (The Supremes, The Marvelettes, The Shirelles, The Temptations...), that gave out great formations fronted by duos and significant vocal trios such as The Wailers, The Maytals, The Pionners... The Pepper Pots intend to recover the sound and aesthetics of those pioneering bands of soul, ska and rocksteady. We are not nostalgic or conservative, but in these days of musical standardization we just believe in going back to the simplicity and freshness of the classic sound. In these past three years, The Pepper Pots have had the honour of sharing a stage with such remarkable Jamaican artists as Laurel Aitken, Derrick Morgan, Winston Francis, Dave Barker and Tena Stelin, as well as other artists of the genre such as A.S.P.O. (About Some Precious Oldies), Mr T-Bone, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Begoña Bang Matu, BDF... It was not until June 2004 that we recorded our first album, Swingin' Sixties, which came out in June 2005 under the label of Brixton Records. It is a 12-track album with the collaboration of London singer Ben Jamming that was very carefully made in every possible way, trying to recover the oldie sound and feel by recording analogically with original instruments from the sixties. The record has been well received and The Pepper Pots are making a place for themselves amongst domestic bands. Internationally, one of their songs can be found in the German compilation Skannibal Party 5 edited by the label Mad Butcher Records, and the reedition of Swingin' Sixties for the Japanese market, come out on spring of 2006 under the label Ska in the World Records. The reedition will include some new tracks and the matchless collaboration of Freddie Reiter (New York Ska Jazz Ensemble). English The Pepper Pots takes a step forward with its new album “NOW!” “NOW!” New sound, new look and new horizons, showing a band in constant progress. As usual, they attend to every little detail and take care more than ever its “Old School” sound, inspired in the old dusty vinyl records from the Motown, Stax or Studio One classic sound. “NOW!”, contains a collection of good themes full of strength and feeling. It includes a luxury production from the hand of the New Yorker Binky Griptite (Dap-Kings, Sharon Jones, Amy Winehouse…). Surrounded by the best professionals, the album has been recorded between Musiclan (Catalonia) & Dubway Studios (Manhattan), analogically mixed in Brooklyn and finally masterized at Trutone Mastering Labs in New York. An indispensable album for any black music lover. With more than 200 concerts, The Pepper Pots has made vibrate public from all over the world: Tokyo, Osaka, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow, Helsinki, Vienna, Verona, Prague, Bern, Barcelona, Madrid… playing in the most relevant festivals like South by Southwest (Austin - Texas), 22nd SummerJam Reggae Festival (Cologne - Germany), Rock for People (Hradec Králové - Czech Rep.), BAM Festival (Barcelona - Catalonia), Black Music Festival (Girona - Catalonia) among others. Its success has gone beyond frontiers and they have become a European benchmark. The Pepper Pots recorded their debut album after two years exploring their old influences sound, “Swingin’ Sixties” (Brixton Records -2004), later released by the Japanese label Ska in the World. Their second work came out on 2007: “Shake It!” (Brixton Records). The album features The legendary Pioneers, and the versatile German artist Dr. Ring Ding, as well as the French Ska combo ASPO.The album soon released in Japan again by Ska in the World, and a year later also in United States by Megalith Records. After the launching in both continents, the band toured each. Català The Pepper Pots fa un salt en la seva carrera amb el nou àlbum “NOW!” Nou so, nova imatge i nous horitzons que mostren una banda en constant evolució. Com és costum, mimen fins al darrer detall i cuiden més que mai el so “Old School”, inspirat en els antics discs del clàssic so Motown, Stax o Studio One. “NOW!”, conté una col•lecció de bons temes plens de força i sentiment, enriquits per una producció de luxe a càrrec del novaiorquès Binky Griptite (Dap-Kings, Sharon Jones, Amy Winehouse…). Envoltats dels millors professionals el disc s’ha gravat als millors estudis; Music Lan (Catalunya) i Dubway Studios (Manhattan), mesclat analògicament a Brooklyn i finalment masteritzat als estudis Trutone Mastering Labs de Nova York. Un disc imprescindible per tot bon amant de la música negra. Amb més de 200 actuacions, The Pepper Pots ha fet vibrar al públic de les principals ciutats de tot el món: Tokio, Osaka, San Francisco, Los Ángeles, Berlín, París, Londres, Moscú, Helsinki, Viena, Verona, Praga, Berna, Barcelona, Madrid… i ha tocat en els festivals més destacats com ara el South by Southwest (Austin-Texas), 22nd SummerJam Reggae Festival (Cologne-Alemania), Rock for People (Hradec Králové - Rep. Txeca), BAM Festival (Barcelona-Catalunya), Black Music Festival(Girona-Catalunya) entre molts d'altres. Els seu èxit ha sobrepassat fronteres i els ha convertit en un referent a Europa. The Pepper Pots grava el seu disc de debut “Swingin’ Sixties” (Brixton Records-2004) després de dos anys explorant el so de les seves velles influències, editat més tard pel segell japonès Ska in the World. El seu segon treball s’edita el 2007, “Shake It!” (Brixton Records). Un àlbum que compta amb la col•laboració dels llegendaris jamaicans The Pioneers, el polifacètic artista alemany Dr. Ring Ding i el combo d’Ska francès ASPO. El disc no tarda a ser editat al Japó, novament per Ska in The World, i un any més tard també s'edita als Estats Units pel segell americà Megalith Records. La sortida del disc als dos continents va enllaçar amb dues exitoses gires de presentació. Español The Pepper Pots da un salto en su carrera con un nuevo álbum “NOW!” Nuevo sonido, nueva imagen y nuevos horizontes que muestran a una banda en constante evolución. Como de costumbre, miman hasta el último detalle y cuidan más que nunca su sonido “Old School”, inspirado en los viejos discos polvorientos del clásico sonido Motown, Stax o Studio One. “NOW!”, contiene una colección de buenos temas repletos de fuerza, y sentimiento, enriquecidos por una producción de lujo, a cargo del neoyorquino Binky Griptite (Dap-Kings, Sharon Jones, Amy Winehouse…). Rodeados de los mejores profesionales, el disco ha sido grabado en los mejores estudios; Music Lan (Catalunya) y Dubway Studios (Manhattan), mezclado analógicamente en Brooklyn y finalmente masterizado en los estudios Trutone Mastering Labs de Nueva York. Un disco imprescindible para todo buen amante de la música negra. Con más de 200 actuaciones, The Pepper Pots ha hecho vibrar al público de las principales ciudades de todo el mundo: Tokio, Osaka, San Francisco, Los Ángeles, Berlín, París, Londres, Moscú, Helsinki, Viena, Verona, Praga, Berna, Barcelona, Madrid… y ha tocado en los festivales más destacados como el South by Southwest (Austin-Texas), 22nd SummerJam Reggae Festival (Cologne-Alemania), Rock for People (Hradec Králové - Rep. Txeca), BAM Festival (Barcelona-Catalunya), Black Music Festival (Girona-Catalunya) entre otros muchos. Su éxito ha sobrepasado fronteras y les ha convertido en un referente en Europa. The Pepper Pots graba su disco de debut después de dos años explorando el sonido de sus viejas influencias, “Swingin’ Sixties” (Brixton Records-2004), editado más tarde por el sello japonés Ska in the World. Su segundo trabajo ve la luz en 2007, “Shake It!” (Brixton Records). Un álbum que cuenta con la colaboración de los legendarios jamaicanos The Pioneers, el polifacético artista alemán Dr. Ring Ding y el combo de Ska francés ASPO. El disco no tarda en editarse en Japón nuevamente por Ska in The World, y un año más tarde también lo es en Estados Unidos por el sello americano Megalith Records. La salida del disco en los dos continentes enlazó con exitosas giras de presentación en ambos. 更多>>

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