Krystle Warren & the Faculty

Krystle Warren & the Faculty 的热门专辑
关于 Krystle Warren & the Faculty 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Krystle Warren & the Faculty
名 称:

I'm from Kansas City, Missouri. I'm an American musician on a French label, (Because Music). I like being one of the few artists on this thing that you can actually contact, reach. However, I do not like cheese, or vinegar, or loads of other things. I very rarely send out a friend request. I say this, (or rather, write) so you know that it's my label. When I get a moment to myself - an' am in close proximity to a decent internet cafe, I like to read the notes you send an' respond accordingly. I also like to change my headline, (I think about good quotes I could use all day long actually) an' switch up my "Sounds Like" video from time to time, usually placing something there that has no fucking relation, (or it posseses a similar/dead on perspective/point of view - I'm tricky this way) to what it is that I do an' that I just simply find worthy of viewing for hilarious reasons. Inside joke type shit, really. 更多>>

本页提供的是 Krystle Warren & the Faculty 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Krystle Warren & the Faculty 明星档案, Krystle Warren & the Faculty的图片资料。