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自1998年年底出道以来,Doves似乎一直摆脱不了和the Verve、Radiohead等团相提并论的命运,这一点可能跟他们都是九0年代窜起的摇滚乐团,以及他们作品都带著点忧郁的气质有关。从另外一个角度来看,这样的比较也相对地显示出Doves具有和这些英式摇滚代表团体相匹敌的实力。这支与许多九0年代出道的英国摇滚团体一样、来自曼彻斯特的三人组合,原本来自于一个舞曲团体Sub Sub,该团的“Ain’t No Love(Ain’t No Use)”曾是红遍英国舞厅畅销单曲,Tricky和New Order的Bernard Sumner都曾邀请他们合作;正当声势如日中天时,一场大火摧毁了他们的录音室,所有摆放其中的母带以及录音设备也都付之一炬,Sub Sub于是成为历史名词。不过,Sub Sub其中的三位团员-主唱兼贝斯手Jimi Goodwin、吉他手Jez Williams以及鼓手Andy Williams(Jez和Andy是双胞胎兄弟)还是执意要以音乐作为终生职志,于是,找来键盘手Martin Rebelski一起组成了Doves。 Doves的曲风迥异于Sub Sub,是以摇滚及民谣为主要骨干,并且加入一些实验性的风格。1998年发行的限量EP《Cedar》销售一空后,Doves被英国媒体赞誉为“最有前景的明日之星”,Doves也不负自尊心甚强的英国媒体的期望,以场场爆满的演唱会顺利打入美国市场。本辑《The Last Broadcast》是Doves第2张完整专辑,但其中所散发出的成熟韵味,实在不像一支甫出道不到5年的团体。专辑由Doves的团员们和曾为Baby Bird、Boy George、Curve等知名艺人制作过专辑的Steve Osborne共同制作,辑中除了纯正的英国摇滚精神与清新的民谣曲风,还加入俯拾皆是的创意。 首发单曲“There Goes the Fear”的民谣风里,夹杂著流畅的层次分明的编曲结构,Jimi Goodwin漂浮呓语似的vocal以及诗般的歌词,的确颇有Thom Yorke的低调况味,最后的鲜明节奏为全曲做出美丽的结语,无怪乎首周进入英国榜就直接拿下季军席次;“N.Y.”以直击而下的电吉他和曲中挟带的弦乐,刷出摇滚交响诗的气度;“Friday’s Dust”的编曲十分戏剧化,宛如观赏一段上演中的舞台剧一般,抛洒出强烈的临场感;“Pounding”则曲如其名地在节奏方面的表现相当抢眼;结尾曲 “Caught by the River”回应到专辑一开始时的民谣风,盘旋萦绕的吉他为专辑划下绕梁的起点。 The Manchester, England, epic pop trio Doves reunited Jimi Goodwin (vocals/bass) with twin brothers Jez (guitar) and Andy Williams (drums) for a stunning musical collaboration mimicking the likes of Radiohead, the Verve, and Ocean Colour Scene. Doves, all of whom had previously joined forces in the dance combo Sub Sub, are best-known for their club smash "Ain't No Love (Ain't No Use)." Debuting in October of 1998 with the Cedar EP, Doves quickly sold out the record's limited pressing, earning "next big thing" status in the British press. "Sea Song" followed in the spring of 1999 and upon issuing Here It Comes that autumn, the group signed to the Heavenly label. They inked an American deal with Astralwerks in summer 2000 and the band's first full-length effort, Lost Souls, was released in the U.S. that October. By 2001, they'd moved to Capitol Records in the States and prepared for a second album. Two sold-out American tours and five recording studios later, Doves emerged with the song "There Goes the Fear" from their forthcoming second album, The Last Broadcast, in spring 2002. A special limited-edition version of the single was issued in mid-April. The album debuted at number one on the U.K. charts. The band also embarked on a North American tour the same week their album hit U.S. stores. Some Cities followed in March 2005. 更多>>

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