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艺 人:Autumnia
名 称:

Autumnia - the project created by the guitarist and composer Alexander Glavniy (ex - Mournful Gust, ex - Vae Solis(Ukr)) in the end of April, 2003. The debut material had been creating during a half year and at autumn of the same year, in AUTUMNIA Studio, the record of album has begun. Vladislav Shahin (ex - Vae Solis(Ukr), Mournful Gust) was invited for execution of vocal parts and also he became the author of all texts of songs. In the end of March, 2004 the record of the album which has received the name "In Loneliness Of Two Souls", has been completed. The album contains 59 tragic minutes in funeral doom/death metal style. During all the year we had been working at our second album which has received the name "By The Candles Obsequial". The invited musicians took part in this album: Anna Dobrydneva (executed one of the basic vocal parties in the song "With Wailing And Lament" and also back vocals in other compositions) and Yuri Baygush (played the parties of piano in the songs "Increasing The Grief Terrestrial", "...And The Life Dies Away..." and some synthesizer effects in other compositions). The album "By The Candles Obsequial" had been recording in AUTUMNIA Studio during a period from 2005 to 2006 and was out (as our debut album too) on Kiev label Griffin Music. The official date of release was fixed on December, 31, 2006, but the world could hear it only in autumn, 2007. Also in 2005 Autumnia took part in CD compilation organized by the portal doom-art.ru and published on Stygian Crypt Productions. The album "By The Candles Obsequial" was fully recorded in 2005 and realized only in 2007. By that time some material for new third album has already gathered and began to acquire its forms. The material was also recorded in AUTUMNIA Studio, and by the end of 2008 its record was completed. Our third studio work received the name "O´Funeralia". In this album the invited musicians took part also: Yuri Baygush played parties of piano in composition "Blessing Your Illness"; the parties of violin were played by Sergey Vinnik… and I want to express the special gratitude to Igor Guy, which played all parties of bass-guitar. Also it should be noted that we’ve changed the label and album "O´Funeralia" has been out on Solitude – Productions. 更多>>

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