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Making April

Making April 的热门专辑
关于 Making April 的留言板
歌手  的头像图片
艺 人:Making April
名 称:

BIO Tunneling its way out of the West Philadelphia nether worlds Make A Rising is a band that is beyond unique. The quintet’s debut record is a swirling mix of violin, keyboard, guitars, drums, saxophone, trumpet, bells, whistles, and assorted noisemakers – all swelling together for subversively addictive pop gems. With orchestral crescendos combined with off-kilter vocals and fast-changing tempos Make A Rising is the sound of chaos, bliss, bravado, nerves and naivety – avant chamber rock at its most dynamic – like Daniel Johnston singing Beach Boys songs interpreted by Naked City. 更多>>

本页提供的是 Making April 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Making April 明星档案, Making April的图片资料。