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Craig Morgan

艺 人:Craig Morgan
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小简介 出生田纳西州的Craig Morgan,算是大器晚成的乡村音乐界创作歌手,他18岁获得紧急医疗救护人员资格,数年之后,Craig加入美国军队,分配驻守南韩地区,1989年参与在巴拿马的正义之师作战(Operation Just Cause)。 Craig在南韩服役期间,利用空档着手写歌,同时赢得许多军中举办之歌唱以及创作比赛。 褪下军人外衣回到故乡,为了讨生活连续担任建筑工人、警长副手、保全人员等工作,最后在乡村音乐大本营纳许维尔有了份演唱DEMO带的固定工作,这个声音也让Atlantic Records极为赏识,于2000年协助发行首张同名专辑《Craig Morgan》。 不过市场反映对此却是相当冷淡,Craig也遭受解约命运。但是他的才华仍然没有被埋没,2003年转投效Broken Bow Records推出第二张大碟《I Love It》,登上独立榜Top4+乡村榜Top16,也逐步敲开知名度。 2005年的《My Kind Of Lovin'》更勇夺金唱片销售认证,单曲〈That's What I Love About Sunday〉不仅蝉联乡村榜四周冠军,更是Broken Bow Records旗下第一位拿下NO.1记录的歌手。 by MacKenzie Wilson Singer/songwriter Craig Morgan was an army brat before he opted for a career in music. Born and raised in Nashville, Morgan was already a country music fan with dreams of playing guitar and making it big. But before his musical dreams could become reality, Morgan spent time serving in the U.S. Army, where he had a very respectable career and achieved high honors during peace and wartime. It was also during this time that Morgan whetted his guitar-playing styles to perform for troops whenever he could. Such passion led to a deal with Atlantic and a spot out of the service. His self-titled debut was released in May 2000. His next three albums, 2002's I Love It, 2005's My Kind of Livin', and 2006's Little Bit of Life, all appeared on Broken Bow Records.

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