1978年10月20号,Venke Knutson Liodden出生于一个声名显赫的音乐世家。她有两个姐姐,Tone和Hege。Venke在Birkeland的一个小村庄里长大成人。原先她并不经常唱歌,但是她写了很多诗歌。她有一副高调空灵的好嗓子,有时听上去让人感觉实在是太高了…童年时代的Venke最大的爱好就是傍晚十分躺在草丛里看天上的繁星。她喜欢听父亲讲关于星星的名字和历史。现在Venke仍然喜欢躺在天空下闲适的进入梦乡。猎户星座腰带上方左边的那颗星是Venke最喜欢的星星。它点亮了Venke 10月份的生日。她的父亲是当地乐队的一位主管,这支乐队由她的祖父创办。除了在乐队中担任鼓手,Venke还担任不同的和声,演奏钢琴。 初中毕业后,Venke一家移居到了美国德州休斯顿。她曾经在那里生活过,但是之后她太小以至于不能照料自己的生活。受两位姐姐的启发,当她们搬回挪威Venke申请了了当地学校的声乐专业。在没有任何试唱的情况下她就被录取了,自她在德州时就没有正式唱过。“幸运对我来说很宝贵”Venke这样说。她梦想成为一名艺术家。但是她仍然坚持先做一个普通人,然后做艺术家。 在1998年秋天Venke在奥斯陆的教师学会开始自己的工作生涯。她与Dan Sundhordvik一起共事。Venke在多支乐队里担任歌手,当S.P.O.O.N(主唱是Erik Faber)赢得了99年挪威摇滚冠军的时候,她还在舞台上为他们伴唱。2001年,她与Svenn Liodden结婚,并且她还讲述了她与男友相遇的甜蜜经历:“当我17岁准备申请当地学校的声乐专业时,我与一帮去丹麦游艇的男孩同行,他们演奏关于"Operasjon Dagsverk"的爵士乐。我不会唱爵士,而且从来没用麦克唱过歌。但是当我发现其中的呢个鼓手是如此可爱的时候我就一直尾随他们。所以我在丹麦游艇上第一次开唱,而那个鼓手不久后就成了我的丈夫。”03年春季,Venke在经理人Jan Fredrik Karlsen(他还是偶像节目的评委)的帮助下接到了一份Universal唱片的合同。Venke讲述了她与偶像节目的关系:“我完全沉溺于其中了。尤其是去年,我真的是相当关注。但不幸的是今年我没有太多看电视,但我试着用最多的精力去关注这档节目。但我实在是不明白为什么人们会有这么大的勇气来表演。我不敢冒这个险。如果我对规则有什么建议的话,我希望把最低年龄限制从16岁提高到18岁。我想看到所有的评论家都把矛头指向像Sandra Lyng Haugen一样年轻天真的16岁女孩身上确实是很可怕的事情。”“所以我给Sandra打了电话,告诉她不要介意别人说的,要继续努力。此外我还要感谢她唱的"Panic"。很好听!” 6月她的单曲"Panic"推出,从那个夏天到04年2月这首歌席卷了乐坛。Panic出现在了多种精选集里,并且在"VG-lista"获得了nr.10的佳绩。接下来的3月份,"Scared"问世,7月份"Scared"出现在唱片行的货架上。现在Venke完成了她的教师学业,并且成为了奥斯陆Bryn学校3A班的教师。她的学生看到自己的老师出现在电视上都吓坏了,害怕老师换工作。“他们并不完全明白他们的老师在电视上做什么,但最少我开始出现在少儿频道上…她还没有放弃教师这份工作的打算:“24个美丽的孩子每天都会在这见到我”。不管我的专辑卖的怎么样。“他们都认为自己在早上一起的合唱唱的很好”,Venke微笑着说。 Venke Knutson (born 20.October 1978) She grew up in a small village, Birkeland. She didn’t sing that often, but she proclaimed a lot of poetry. She had a high and clear voice. Sometimes a little too high… Venke’s favourite hobby as a little girl was to lie in the grass in the evening and look at the stars. She liked to listen to her father telling her about the names of the stars, and the history. Venke still likes to dream away with the sky as a ceiling. The star on the top to the left in Orion’s Belt is Venke’s favourite star. It lights the strongest in October around Venke’s birthday. Her father was a director at the local band, that her grandfather founded. In addition to playing drums in the band, Venke sang in several choirs and played the piano. After Venke graduated from Junior High School, her family moved to Houston, Texas, in USA. she had lived there before, but then she was too young to see and do so much. Inspired by her two older sisters, Venke applied to the music line at Vågsbygd School when the family returned to Norway. She was accepted without a song audition since she still was in Texas. “Luck” says Venke. Venke dreamed of being an artist. But she insists still to that she is a person first, then an artist. In the fall 1998 Venke started at the teachers academy in Oslo, and started to work with Dan Sundhordvik. Venke sang for several bands, and when the group S.P.O.O.N, with lead singer Erik Faber won the Norwegian Championship in Rock in 1999, she was on the stage as a backup singer.