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Blake Lewis

艺 人:Blake Lewis
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籍贯:华盛顿,Bothell, 海选参赛地:西雅图 最喜欢的男艺人:Robbin Thicke, Jamaroqui, Maroon 5, Jason Mraz, U2, Gnarls Barkley, Half Past Forever, Michael Jackson, Prince, Sting, Eric Benet, Martin Sexton, Duncan Sheik, M-Pact 最喜欢的女艺人:Bjork, Fiona Apple, Imogen Heap, Estmerd, Jill Scott, Tori Amos, Ella Fitzgerald, Sade 第一次唱歌:五岁 受过正规声乐训练吗: 有 其他才艺: 摄影、写歌、制作、接吻高手 如果没有在美国偶像取得成功,你会怎么办:继续我的音乐梦想 人生目标:环游世界、玩SNL 你拥有的哪张唱片让你朋友觉得吃惊:K-Fed的. 谁是你心中的美国偶像:Chris Sligh, Rudy Cardenas 每场表演前的小诀窍或者会做什么:上厕所,运动自己 最尴尬的时候:在舞台上我的裤子从裤裆撕裂了。 到目前为止最自豪的时候:我的第一步。 如果你不会唱歌,最想做什么:演戏 对美国偶像的定义:有天赋的人,能和观众交流的人 最喜欢的评委 为什么:Randy。因为他是一个音乐家。 人们在你身上觉得最惊讶的是:我有纹身。 生活有什么改变: 一年后再问我吧。 你的幸运符:它们两个,它们在我的短裤里呢。 你生活中的偶像:我父母。 生活中最糟糕的事:生活的一切阻碍。 你觉得海选公平么:是的 如果你最后成功了,最想感谢谁: 我父母 小简介 布莱克·科林·路易斯(Blake Colin Lewis,1981年7月21日-)是一位美国歌手。路易斯是第六季《美国偶像》的亚军。2006年,从未收看过《美国偶像》的路易斯到位于西雅图的比赛场馆为节目试音,并在各评审前演唱了节奏蓝调歌手西尔(Seal)的歌曲Crazy。作为地区口技比赛的优胜者,路易斯在其后的好莱坞周(Hollywood's Week)与克里斯·斯莱(Chris Sligh)、鲁迪·卡登纳斯和汤姆·劳尔(Tom Lowe)组成一队,演唱比吉斯(Bee Gees)的名曲《How Deep Is Your Love》时用口技为队友打节奏。他们的演出受到好评,不但获台下的观众和作为评审之一的宝拉·阿巴杜(Paula Abdul)起立鼓掌支持,阿巴杜更认为“那是酷翻会场”("that brought down the house")的表演。另外,路易斯曾于英国版《美国偶像》中提及自己于好莱坞周的首场个人演唱是诱惑乐团(The Temptations)的《Papa Was a Rollin' Stone》。稍后他在其他《美国偶像》参赛者面前演唱此曲,菲尔·斯泰茜(Phil Stacey)称那是他记忆中路易斯的最佳表演。路易斯成为第六季《美国偶像》成绩最优秀的男性参赛者;然而节目的三位评审在比赛初段已正确预测他的领先位置。 by Heather Phares Best known as the beatboxing contestant on season six of American Idol, Blake Lewis hails from Bothell, WA. Lewis comes from a musical family -- his mother used to be in a rock band and continues to sing and play guitar -- and began singing himself at age five. He impressed Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, and Paula Abdul at the Seattle auditions with his beatboxing and performance of Seal's "Crazy," and further wowed them at Hollywood week, where he performed with fellow contestants Rudy Cardenas and Chris Sligh. Performances of songs like Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know" and Jamiroquai's "Virtual Insanity" reflected his hip musical tastes; some of Lewis' other favorite artists include Björk, Imogen Heap, 311, and Gnarls Barkley. His distinctive style won him early fan support, including a voting bloc calling themselves "the Blaker Girls," and Lewis ultimately emerged as the season's runner-up. While completing the subsequent American Idol tour that summer, he spent most of his evenings focusing on his full-length studio debut, co-writing 12 of the album's 13 tracks and collaborating with such producers as OneRepublic's Ryan Tedder. Audio Day Dream dropped in December 2007, buoyed by the leadoff single "Break Anotha."

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