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艺 人:Madonna
名 称: 麦当娜


中文名: 麦当娜 外文名: Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone 别名: 玛丹娜 国籍: 美国 出生地: 密歇根州特律海湾市 出生日期: 1958年8月16日 职业: 歌手 经纪公司: 华纳兄弟唱片公司 代表作品: Like a Virgin,Ray of Light,《贝隆夫人》 主要成就: 1996、1997奥斯卡最佳电影插曲 格莱美年度最佳专辑(1999) 1958.8.16出生密歇根的贝城,83年出道至今,相对平静的生活,活得逍遥自在,痛痛快快。 麦当娜,带给这流行浮华世界的激荡,不仅在音乐界革新,时尚圈震撼,从她身上衍生而出的生命能量更远远超出一个艺人理所当然的作为。她堪称为本世纪最伟大艺术家之一,原因不是在于她惊世骇俗的大胆作风,也不是在于她让人讨论不完的禁忌话题,而是麦当娜对社会现象总是能勇敢在第一时间反应,观察事物的灵敏度,入世与关怀社会的生活态度,以及超越自我的勇气。 「麦当娜不但是少数从八十年代至今仍然活跃于流行歌坛的歌手,而且她创造的音乐比年纪小她一倍的歌手们的更有活力」-----浮华世界2000年十一月号。 「我一直没有策略,我从来不告诉自己下一张要做哪一种风格的专辑,只是随着感觉走,我只是希望我的歌在十年后仍然听不腻」----- 麦当娜 也许是她所制造的话题太多了:从早期的内衣外穿造型,从未间断过与各种男星的恋情、对于性爱公开又大胆的见解、异于一般女性的作风以及各种大小官司,让人们对于她的音乐先放到一边。也可能是她的音乐一直与正统或保守有一段距离:因为她的音乐一直是舞厅DJ的最爱以及她常在歌词中发表她个人的意见。 从1983年至今,麦当娜已经发行了十四张专辑,不过即使如此,很少会有人将它们混为一谈, 因为每时期的音乐风格各自有其界线。在十年前的精选集发行时,有人发现了将她的歌混起来听的乐趣。一个十年过去了,这期间有一张重节奏的「浩室舞曲」专辑Erotica,不知道你是否还常窝在那个叫做Deeper and deeper那个灰暗的小舞厅里,或是因为Rain还依旧深爱着蓝色;有一张无法让人入眠的Bedtime stories专辑,她虽然没有黑人歌手的歌喉,不过她的R&B音乐依旧适合街头;她太外向了吗?小心听她唱完一整张的情歌后患上了轻微忧郁症,有了Something to remember这张唱片,不用看完红粉联盟就可以听到This used to be my playground了。先前没有人敢鼓励麦当娜向经典音乐剧Evita挑战,不过连最严苛的乐评家以及安德列韦伯都认为她没有让大家失望,戏院里谁没有在You must love me的歌声中落泪?三年前的Ray of light专辑她回到她的舞曲本行,挑选了制作人William Orbit合作的结果,除了擦出神奇的火花之外,在词曲及意境上向更高的水准提升。 是什么原因让她的音乐在十几年后的今天仍然如此迷人?她的生活就是音乐的一部分,她随时记录她的音乐灵感,纸笔随时在一旁等待;她挑选合作对象的眼光总是很准确以及她对流行的敏锐度让她能一直走在流行最前线。让她音乐一直流行的原因便是音乐本身。 Madonna - 一个您永远不会忘记的名字,当今娱乐界最有名气的艺人,永远走在流行时尚的尖端,永远不知道她下一步会创造出什么让人眼睛一亮的惊人之举。 天后大事纪 1983 由于Everybody的试听带受到未来的东家Sire唱片公司总裁Seymour Stein的青睐而得到一纸唱片合约。 1984首支音乐录像带Borderline播放加上于美国知名节目"Solid Gold"上的卖力表演,询问度大增;洞洞衣与塑料手环加上浓妆引起风潮。 1985在首届MTV颁奖典礼上以白色内衣及"Boy Toy"金属腰环造型献唱"Like A Virgin"。自四月份开始展开为期80天的全美十州的"Virgin Tour"演唱会。演唱会结束后便于8月16日生日当天与西恩潘闪电结婚。花花公子与阁楼杂志刊登Madonna1979年担任人体模特儿时的裸照。参与在费城举行的大型援助非洲接力演唱会"Band Aid"。 1986 True Blue在全球狂销,金氏世界纪录以"空前绝后"来形容这张专辑受欢迎的程度。 1987在纽约时代广场举办电影首映会。六月份开始前往日本大阪展开其第一次的世界巡回。在全球举办16场,跨越三洲的巨型演唱会。高喊安全性行为的口号。 1988参与百老汇舞台剧"Speed The Plow"演出,演出卖座不佳,Madonna后来也表示后悔该季的演出。 1989 1月5日提出提婚协议,原因是【与西恩潘间无法妥协的差异性】。Like a prayer发行后,便缔造许多女艺人销售数字的新纪录。与百事可乐合作,不料以Like a prayer为背景的广告在全球40国家同步拨放后便因其本身音乐录像带的争议而喊停,百事公司取消了隔年演唱会赞助商的计画。 1990四月开始二度以宣传电影之模式举办第二次世界巡回【金发雄心】演唱会。以日本做为演唱会首站。全球共计56场演唱会,包括在美、日、德、法、义、英、荷、西等国的表演;Jean Paul Gaultier为她设计数款的木兰飞弹造型成为服装界中的划时代创举。与华伦比提陷入热恋,不过演唱会结束后两人恋人关系也画上句点。与麦可杰克森携手出席奥斯卡金像奖,两人传出交往的消息。 1991与【与麦当娜共枕】一片中的男舞者的酬劳纠纷走上法庭。与A片男明星东尼华德交往,并与其在全球禁播的Justify My Love音乐录像带中激情演出,音乐录像带内容受各界抗议,不过其争议性却无形中成为免费的广告而使单曲录像带大卖。 1992自组华纳旗下的子公司"Maverick,开始以唱片公司老板的角色经营唱片市场。往后签下的艺人包括艾拉妮丝莫利赛特、超凡、Olive等。并将出版品自唱片拓展至电影及出版界。 1993情色三部曲除【专辑】及【电影】外的【Sex写真集】的发行造成出版界的震撼,内容充满性幻想、性变态及同性双性恋之文字与图片在美国午夜过后狂销,数十万本的金属外壳写真集在数周内售完,全球各地也陷入抢购热潮。第三度的世界巡回演出【女子秀】在九月的伦敦展开,以皮鞭皮衣造型开场,演出国家跨越四大洲包括阿根廷、墨西哥、波多黎各、巴西及澳洲等国,历时三个月,共计40场。 1994上大卫赖特曼的午夜漫谈秀,在节目上说了十几次的脏字,引来舆论口诛笔伐。不过后来她表示那只是【表演】的一部分,而且与大卫传出恋曲。她公开地像大家保证她肉欲的年代已经结束,Madonna反璞归真的年代来临。获Spin杂志【1985~1995最重要十大艺人】第二名。 1995 Take A Bow前往西班牙南方小镇隆达拍摄,因斗牛而引来环保人士抗议。为Bedtime Story单曲举行睡衣派对。票选为全球五十大受欢迎女星第一名。获颁VH1时尚奖之【最佳流行女艺人】奖。获颁美国告示牌【终身成就奖】。 1996 10月14日,【小星星】罗荻丝Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon诞生,Madonna【秘密生产】的行径让小女儿的照片行情高涨到10万英镑。小孩子的爹是她中央公园慢跑时邂逅的健身教练卡洛斯。 1997在环保专辑Carnival中献唱一首"Freedom"。传将演出计画中开拍的歌舞片"Chicago",不过电影最后停拍。新专辑进入录音阶段,计画与Goldie及Prodigy的合作未果后寻求与英国混音师William Orbit的合作。名列美国【娱乐周报】百大最重要人物。 1998 Ray Of Light专辑的首周销售量破全美专辑榜首周销售量,一周卖了三十七万张。为宣传专辑,两度前往欧洲各国巡回宣传,在伦敦购新屋。在MTV颁奖典礼上的造型引起印度宗教界的抗议。九月27日在洛杉矶同性恋大游行的活动上发表对防范爱滋病的宣言。 1999 VH1时尚奖颁发【最佳流行艺人】及【凡赛斯奖】等奖项。与蜜斯佛陀化妆品公司合作,成为其化妆品之代言人。前往欧洲拍摄新片好事成双,在一场派对上认识导演盖瑞奇,旋即陷入热恋。两张向Madonna致敬的专辑问世,共有三十个艺人及团体翻唱其畅销曲。英国Q杂志票选二十世纪最伟大艺人,居女艺人第一名。 2000 获美国【时人】杂志选出之【十大魅力女星】。正在发行新专辑的前夕,二次怀孕的Madonna在8月11日早产,罗荻丝的小弟弟诞生,母子均安,取名为洛克(Rocco),为与英国导演盖瑞奇之爱的结晶。麦当娜首度以空降之速度在Music专辑首周发行便夺下英美及全球数十国家专辑榜榜首。全球最性感女艺人第一名。【戴锐斯票选】谣传将在英国下嫁盖瑞奇。12月22日,麦当娜与盖瑞奇于苏格兰结婚引发媒体追逐战! 2001 全英音乐奖夺下「最佳国际女歌手」殊荣,九次入围此项目后首度获奖。四月推出What It Feels Like For A Girl音乐影带再度遭禁播,六月BMW汽车广告登场并开始八年后的首度巡回-沉沦世界演唱会,从欧洲一路到全美巡回,刷新售票纪录,911事件后坚持唱完LA最后三场,并捐出收入。10月Ray Of Light 成为微软广告曲,第一张精选The Immaculate Collection全美销售破千万,11月全球发行「就是娜」精选。 After a star reaches a certain point, it's easy to forget what they became famous for and concentrate solely on their persona. Madonna is such a star. Madonna rocketed to stardom so quickly in 1984 that it obscured most of her musical virtues. Appreciating her music became even more difficult as the decade wore on, as discussing her lifestyle became more common than discussing her music. However, one of Madonna's greatest achievements is how she manipulated the media and the public with her music, her videos, her publicity, and her sexuality. Arguably, Madonna was the first female pop star to have complete control of her music and image. Madonna moved from her native Michigan to New York in 1977, with dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. She studied with choreographer Alvin Ailey and modeled. In 1979, she became part of the Patrick Hernandez Revue, a disco outfit that had the hit "Born to Be Alive." She traveled to Paris with Hernandez; it was there that she met Dan Gilroy, who would soon become her boyfriend. Upon returning to New York, the pair formed the Breakfast Club, a pop/dance group. Madonna originally played drums for the band, but she soon became the lead singer. In 1980, she left the band and formed Emmy with her former boyfriend, drummer Stephen Bray. Soon, Bray and Madonna broke off from the group and began working on some dance/disco-oriented tracks. A demo tape of these tracks worked its way to Mark Kamins, a New York-based DJ/producer. Kamins directed the tape to Sire Records, which signed the singer in 1982. Kamins produced Madonna's first single, "Everybody," which became a club and dance hit at the end of 1982; her second single, 1983's "Physical Attraction," was another club hit. In June of 1983, she had her third club hit with the bubbly "Holiday," which was written by Jellybean Benitez. Madonna's self-titled debut album was released in September of 1983; "Holiday" became her first Top 40 hit the following month. "Borderline" became her first Top Ten hit in March of 1984, beginning a remarkable string of 17 consecutive Top Ten hits. While "Lucky Star" was climbing to number four, Madonna began working on her first starring role in a feature film, Susan Seidelman's Desperately Seeking Susan. Madonna's second album, the Niles Rodgers-produced Like a Virgin, was released at the end of 1984. The title track hit number one in December, staying at the top of the charts for six weeks; it was the start of a whirlwind year for the singer. During 1985, Madonna became an international celebrity, selling millions of records on the strength of her stylish, sexy videos and forceful personality. After "Material Girl" became a number two hit in March, Madonna began her first tour, supported by the Beastie Boys. "Crazy for You" became her second number one single in May. Desperately Seeking Susan was released in July, becoming a box office hit; it also prompted a planned video release of A Certain Sacrifice, a low-budget erotic drama she filmed in 1979. A Certain Sacrifice wasn't the only embarrassing skeleton in the closet dragged into the light during the summer of 1985 — both Playboy and Penthouse published nude photos of Madonna that she posed for in 1977. Nevertheless, her popularity continued unabated, with thousands of teenage girls adopting her sexy appearance, being dubbed "Madonna wannabes." In August, she married actor Sean Penn; the couple had a rocky marriage that ended in 1989. Madonna began collaborating with Patrick Leonard at the beginning of 1986; Leonard would co-write most of her biggest hits in the '80s, including "Live to Tell," which hit number one in June of 1986. A more ambitious and accomplished record than her two previous albums, True Blue was released the following month, to both more massive commercial success (it was a number one in both the U.S. and the U.K., selling over five million copies in America alone) and critical acclaim. "Papa Don't Preach" became her fourth number one hit in the U.S. While her musical career was thriving, her film career took a savage hit with the November release of Shanghai Surprise. Starring Madonna and Sean Penn, the comedy received terrible reviews, which translated into disastrous box office returns. At the beginning of 1987, she had her fifth number one single with "Open Your Heart," the third number one from True Blue alone. The title cut from the soundtrack of her third feature film, Who's That Girl?, was another chart-topping hit, although the film itself was another box office bomb. 1988 was a relatively quiet year for Madonna as she spent the first half of the year acting in David Mamet's Speed the Plow on Broadway. In the meantime, she released the remix album You Can Dance. After withdrawing the divorce papers she filed at the beginning of 1988, she divorced Penn at the beginning of 1989. Like a Prayer, released in the spring of 1989, was her most ambitious and far-reaching album, incorporating elements of pop, rock, and dance. It was another number one hit and launched the number one title track as well as "Express Yourself," "Cherish," and "Keep It Together," three more Top Ten hits. In April 1990, she began her massive Blonde Ambition tour, which ran throughout the entire year. "Vogue" became a number one hit in May, setting the stage for her co-starring role in Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy; it was her most successful film appearance since Desperately Seeking Susan. Madonna released a greatest-hits album, The Immaculate Collection, at the end of the year. It featured two new songs, including the number one single "Justify My Love," which sparked another controversy with its sexy video; the second new song, "Rescue Me," became the highest-debuting single by a female artist in U.S. chart history, entering the charts at number 15. Truth or Dare, a documentary of the Blonde Ambition tour, was released to positive reviews and strong ticket sales during the spring of 1991. Madonna returned to the charts in the summer of 1992 with the number one "This Used to Be My Playground," a single featured in the film A League of Their Own, which featured the singer in a small part. Later that year, Madonna released Sex, an expensive, steel-bound soft-core pornographic book that featured hundreds of erotic photographs of herself, several models, and other celebrities — including Isabella Rossellini, Big Daddy Kane, Naomi Campbell, and Vanilla Ice — as well as selected prose. Sex received scathing reviews and enormous negative publicity, yet that didn't stop the accompanying album, Erotica, from selling over two million copies. Bedtime Stories, released two years later, was a more subdued affair than Erotica. Initially, it didn't chart as impressively, prompting some critics to label her a has-been, yet the album spawned her biggest hit, "Take a Bow," which spent seven weeks at number one. It also featured the Björk-penned "Bedtime Stories," which became her first single not to make the Top 40; its follow-up, "Human Nature," also failed to crack the Top 40. Nevertheless, Bedtime Stories marked her seventh album to go multi-platinum. Beginning in 1995, Madonna began one of her most subtle image makeovers as she lobbied for the title role in the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita. Backing away from the overt sexuality of Erotica and Bedtime Stories, Madonna recast herself as an upscale sophisticate, and the compilation Something to Remember fit into the plan nicely. Released in the fall of 1995, around the same time she won the coveted role of Evita Peron, the album was comprised entirely of ballads, designed to appeal to the mature audience that would also be the target of Evita. As the filming completed, Madonna announced she was pregnant and her daughter, Lourdes, was born late in 1996, just as Evita was scheduled for release. The movie was greeted with generally positive reviews and Madonna began a campaign for an Oscar nomination that resulted in her winning the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Musical or Comedy), but not the coveted Academy Award nomination. The soundtrack for Evita, however, was a modest hit, with a dance remix of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" and the newly written "You Must Love Me" both becoming hits. During 1997, she worked with producer William Orbit on her first album of new material since 1994's Bedtime Stories. The resulting record, Ray of Light, was heavily influenced by electronica, techno, and trip-hop, thereby updating her classic dance-pop sound for the late '90s. Ray of Light received uniformly excellent reviews upon its March 1998 release and debuted at number two on the charts. Within a month, the record was shaping up to be her biggest album since Like a Prayer. Two years later she returned with Music, which reunited her with Orbit and also featured production work from Mark "Spike" Stent and Mirwais, a French electro-pop producer/musician in the vein of Daft Punk and Air. The year 2000 also saw the birth of Madonna's second child, Rocco, whom she had with filmmaker Guy Ritchie; the two married at the very end of the year. With Ritchie as director and Madonna as star, the pair released a remake of the film Swept Away in 2002. It tanked at the box office, failing to crack seven digits, making it one of the least profitable films of the year. Her sober 2003 album, American Life, fared slightly better but was hardly a huge success. That same year also saw the release of Madonna's successful children's book, The English Roses, which was followed by several more novels in future years. Confessions on a Dance Floor marked her return to music, specifically to the dance-oriented material that had made her a star. Released in late 2005, it topped the Billboard charts and was accompanied by a worldwide tour in 2006, the same year that I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, a CD/DVD made during her Re-Invention Tour, came out. In 2007, Madonna released another CD/DVD, Confessions Tour, this time chronicling her controversial tour of the same name. She then inched closer to the completion of her Warner Bros contract with 2008's Hard Candy, an R&B album whose first single, "4 Minutes", topped the singles charts in several countries.

关于 Madonna 的留言板

本页提供的是 Madonna 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 Madonna 麦当娜明星档案, Madonna的图片资料。