所在地: 加拿大
2003 MuchMusic音樂頻道VJ 歌唱大賽冠軍
2004 - 2012 Fairchild新時代電視責任編舞導師
2006 - 2011 加拿大偶像Billy Klippert經紀人監製作人
2006 - 2012 CZ國際娛樂唱片製作人,詞曲創作人
2011 - 2012 福茂國際著作權自由作者
2012 R-Clash國際音樂祭首席評委
Aside from being the founder of CZ Entertainment Corporation, JKAI is also a manager, dancer, and song writer himself. As a manager, JKAI has successfully managed Canadian Idol Billy Klippert, rapper XYL, and many Indie artists. As a dancer and choreographer JKAI has participated in numerous concerts and local functions in Calgary. Since 2005, JKAI has written over 50 original songs and licensed them out to various Record Companies, Games, and TV commercials in Asia.
如果你喜欢JKAI的专辑《Every Time》里的歌曲,可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友:
1.爱我别走 - JKAI
2.Every Time - JKAI
3.秋叶(Les feuilles mortes) - JKAI