Map the Soul 아티스트들의 레어, 미공개음악
Rare, previously unreleased music from the artists of Map the Soul
01. Epik High : Wordkill (Studio Demo) [January 2007 produced by Tablo / written by Tablo & Mithra 眞]
에픽하이의 5집 앨범 [Pieces, Part One]에 실리지 않은 미공개 데모 곡
Unreleased material from Epik High's 5th album [Pieces, Part One]
02. MYK : Dazed and Amazed (Home Demo) [November 2008]
이터널 모닝의 앨범 수록곡 'Plastic Umbrella'에 가사를 입힌 MYK의 홈레코딩 데모 곡
MYK's home demo recording, written to Eternal Morning's Plastic Umbrella
03. Epik High & MYK: Top Gun (Home Demo) [November 2008 produced by DJ Tukutz / written by Tablo, Mithra 眞 & MYK]
[魂: Map the Soul vol.1]에 실린 Top Gun의 홈레코딩 데모 곡
Home demo recording of Top Gun, from[魂: Map the Soul vol.1]
04. MYK : Follow the Sun (Studio Demo) [February 2008 produced by Pe2ny / written by MYK]
Pe2ny의 앨범 [Alive Soul Cuts!]에 실린 instrumental의 오리지널 데모 버전
The original demo recording of an instrumental track from pe2ny's [Alive Soul Cuts!] album
如果你喜欢Epik High的专辑《Lost Map(Special Album)》里的歌曲,可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友:
1.Epik High: Wordkill(Studio Demo) - Epik High
2.MYK: Dazed and Amazed(Home Demo) - Epik High
3.Epik High & MYK: Top Gun(Home Demo) - Epik High
4.MYK: Follow the Sun(Studio Demo) - Epik High