歌词出处: https://www.5nd.com
最近的拥抱 词曲:曾檐 海鸥在湛蓝晴朗的天空下 飞进那云朵的怀里 妈妈你听这温暖的歌曲 伴我追寻风的梦境 呜呜呜阿里里啊唔~~~ 那么清甜期盼的歌声里 呜呜呜阿里里啊唔~~~ 在我成长中最美的这里 The lowest trees have tops the ant her gall The fire fly her glimmer the little sparks their heat The s lender hairs cast shadows wu wu wu a li l i a wu~~~ Deep are the fords the dial s tirs wu wu wu a li l i a wu~~~ A great poet tells (us) the truth Oh mama hear the song Oh mama hear the song Oh mama deepest faith permeates our world And al l things are interrelated 当夕阳离开光芒会蜕变成 月光那银色的脸庞 静静点亮黑暗中前行方向 带着梦飞翔 呜呜呜阿里里啊唔~~~ 那么坚强勇敢的歌声里 呜呜呜阿里里啊唔~~~ 拥抱成长中最美的坚定 Don’t have to conquer a n elephant I have found the sky in my own eyes Don’t have to tame a wild horse Everything has i ts original forms wu wu wu a li l i a wu~~~ like sun Sun i s ri sing and setting HO EI wu wu wu a li l i a wu~~~ Always a clear sky, not hazed by mist Oh mama hear the song Oh mama hear the song Oh mama love could give us freedom Hugging darkness, kissing the sharks Oh mama hear the song Oh mama hear the song Oh mama love could give us freedom Hugging darkness, kissing the sharks Oh mama hear the song Oh mama hear the song Oh mama love could give us freedom Hugging darkness, kissing the sharks 音乐制作人: 曾檐 编曲& 混音& 母带处理: Robin Barter 和声演唱: 曾子谅& 扎西东周