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When l m in the rain

When l m in the rain

When l m in the rain 歌词

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歌曲:When l m in the rain mp3
When l m in the rain 许海波歌词
When l’m in the rain-许海波
When l’m in the rain,
You always take me home,
Tell me to leave here
Its safer with you
You put on my raincoat
I always throw you off
Id like to go home with you
and run through the rain
Its raining harder now
I feel colder and colder
If I dont put on raincoat
I felt like I will die
But I want to show my body
Let blood and bones soar
Maybe the moment of death
I just know I need you
Stability or freedom
Whats worth giving up your life
Maybe youre the best choice
But I still want to break through
Lake is iced up now
The roads began to get muddy
If I dont follow your lead
l Will get deeper and deeper
But I want to show my body
Let blood and bones soar
Maybe the moment of death
I just know I need you

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